Troop 343 Home Page
site is still in production, and always under construction. If you have
any questions, comments, or just wanna curse us out, E-mail us at
of Troop 343! If you have an E-Mail Address, and want it listed with your
name, E-Mail me personally (Mark Zimmer) at
In case your not from around
here, Troop 343 is located in Hauppauge, Long Island, New York. We welcome
any visitors, and would be happy to let you browse around, and while your
here, feel free to E-Mail Any of us.

News And Events
Troop Meetings: May
2nd, 9th, 16th, 30th, At Bretton Woods Elementary School
Troop Outings,
And Upcoming Events:
6th, T.L.C. 7:30 at Bretton Woods Elementary
School. This is for The older boys in the troop. Patrol Leaders, Assistant
Patrol Leaders, and scouts with leadership posotions.
17th, Backpacking Trip to Bish Bash Falls, Up-state N.Y.
May 31st, Rifle shooting day trip
June 14th, Overnight at Montauk Point
SUMMER CAMP!!!!! This year summer
camp will be from July 27th, to August 2nd, at Camp Minsi, in the Poconos.
This is important for first year scouts to try and attend. Summer camp
is a great place to earn all kinds of merrit badges.
Adventure: I need some feedback here guys!
have not set any dates yet, but we will. In either July or August, we will
take a trip up to Mr. Lappings, and go kayaking or canoeing on a 3-5 day
adventure through the Lakes around his house. E-Mail me with ideas on what
to do.
Also still in the planning stage:
A saying goodbye beach overnight (Party!!) to this years graduates.
Ryan Fairley, Phil Barnes, Brian Silliman, Eric Schmich, and David Burstein.
Eagle Court is Set for June 20, 7:30 PM at St. Thomas Moore Church.
All Scouts, Parents and Families are invited.
Silliman is now finished with his Eagle Project! Way to Go Brian!
Recent Rank Advancemants:
Congradulations to the following
All Underlined Names are Scouts
or Adults With E-Mail Addresses. Feel Free to Mail Any of them.
The Boys In-Charge
Zimmer , S.P.L.
Eric Schmich,
Virgilio, Troop Guide
Brian Pahlke,
Troop Guide
Vincent Femmenella,
Troop Guide
Mike Cunnif,
Vincent Cornelli,
Chaplin Aid
John Hanna,
Jared Sherman,
Den Chief
Joe Savarese, Bugler
Ryan Fairley, Instructor
Brian Silliman, Instructer
James Hanna, Librarian
Patrol Leaders And Patrols
Scott kay, Patrol
Joseph Chatterton
Chad Del Ferraro
Cris Mascola
Paul Merring
Donald Merring
Mike Wurtz
Steven Monsees,
Patrol Leader
Sherman, Assistant Patrol Leader
James Hanna
Jim Kay
Mitchel Wistreich
Brian Pahlke
Vincent Femmenella
Matt Hanna, Patrol
Mike Cunnif, Assistant
Patrol Leader
David Burstein
Sean Higgins
Eric Wohlrab
Brian Silliman
Joe Savarese
Mike Lapping, Patrol
Patrick Reagan, Assistant
Patrol Leader
John Hanna
Vincent Cornelli
Ryan Fairley
Doug Schmich
The Vulcans
Andrew Merget,
Patrol Leader
Cristopher Grebosz,
Assistant Patrol Leader
Cristopher Baker
Brian Smalley
Matthew Ryan
Adam Kessel
Adam Yorysh
Matthew Grabina
And Last, But Not Least
The Adult Leaders:
Scoutmaster: Mr.
Paul Schmich (the big cheese
A.S., Mr. Bill
Kay ("S.P.L.!")
A.S., Mr.
Marc Sherman
A.S., Mr. Bob Lapping
And Just Recently
Scoutmaster: Phil Barnes
I would like to take a moment to commend
Phil Barnes, Who through years of hard work in our troop, has just recently
made Eagle Scout. Ever Since I first joined this troop, Phil was to me,
not only one of those "big guys", but he was more. I always looked up to
Phil, as a role Model, and I still do. If ever I needed a hand doing anything,
or just someone to lean on, Phil was always there. To this day, I have
still never heard Phil complain, moan or groan about anything. He would
just do his share of work, and when that was done, he would come to help
everyone else who needed help. Phil was a better scout than I can ever
be. So on behalf of me, and the entire Troop, Phil Barnes, Thank You. And
always remember Phil, that wherever you are, and wherever your life takes
you, We will Never Forget You.
Mark Zimmer, And The Entire Troop
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Special Thanks To The People of
Troop 430, who helped make this page possible. Be sure to visit their web
site: Troop
430 Home Page
I would also like to thank David
D`Amico for all his help in creating this page. Be sure to visit his home
page: The
Seinfeld Page
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