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JESÚS WONG's homepage

© CopyRight Jesús Wong 1995-2001.

"Sunrise at school"

This photo was taken in my ex-school, ITESM Monterrey Institute of Technology and Advanced Studies (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey) México City Campus. The image is a group of people walking down a corridor at sunrise, spring 1995.

WebCounter visits since April 22, 1996.

visits to my Geocities Page since February 27, 1997. .

My pages:

Curriculum vitae

Hobbies Pasatiempos

Libros Lecturas

My page of Girls Beautiful girls

My loved and wonderful México México in photos

Templo Mayor Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan

A page to remember Ex-SOS Ex-SOS

Club de amigos de la tierra . Ayudanos a cuidar este bello planeta.

Other links:

Looking for a book? In Amazon you will find it:

Star Wars

Greenwich Mean Time

A really amazing piece of art in Argentina, La Evolución de la vida The Evolution of Life

History of photography by Robert Leggat

Exposure Excelent page of photography, don't miss the Camera Simulator.

Want to create your own WWW page?

Elemental commands guide

Practical guide to using colors [requiers Java]

Most recently modified on:August 30th, 2001

Mail: Jesús Wong at Yahoo