The info contained in the above banner may not necessarily reflect my views.
"Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend
a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean." -- John Muir
To me, life is greatly enhanced by escaping modern society and relaxing in the wonders of nature. This page will show some of my outings and experiences, to share the places I've been and perhaps convince some people to visit the areas for themselves. Most of the focus will be on Northern California and the mountains of the Sierra Nevadas, simply because that is where I live and have the most knowledge. It will also contain information and tips on backpacking, caving, and other forms of escape. This is about enjoying life and nature with wonder and respect.
The Hiking Gallery
This page will always be under construction because I will always be going new places and getting new pictures and info to put up here. As soon as I get a scanner it will be updated much more often.
Parts of this site were made with the help of Netscape
All pages and scanned photos (excluding webring and award images) copyright Allen Hollinger 1998, unless otherwise noted. Stuff here may be usable if you ask first and add a link back. :) Last updated 8/9/98