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I have just moved in...do come back later!

Meanwhile, this is a little introduction about myself:

My name is Yi Lin, I live in Singapore, a tiny country just off the southern tip of Peninsula Malaysia. I study at Raffles Junior College and I am JC 1 this year. My class is 1S05A, and my ECA is Harmonica Club and Interact Club. I am also a Rover scout from the Tao Nan Marlin Sea Scout Unit. My hobbies are reading, outdoor activities, sports, playing the piano and surfing the net. I'm still a newbie where html is concerned, so please forgive this lousy homepage.

Oh yeah, if you wish to have a peek at my class photo, just click here!

Or, if you're feeling bored, maybe these cartoons will perk you up! Yupz...and geography freaks who wish to have a look at different parts of the world, here are some maps you could use....

As the exams are coming soon, I will not have much time to work on this page. But do come back and visit it later!

WELL WELL WELL..it's year 2002 and I haven't really kept to my promise of updating this website =P. i'm currently in the university and i'm busy with exams, and i popped by and edited something because yahoo was going to delete my website due to long inactivity..well so here i am adding something for no one to see.. haha. it's 16th january 2004. and i'm updating again because of yahoo's threat to delete this website. =P i really am quite mean to hold on to it, but it might just be of use some day! =)

See ya next time!

Have a nice day!!! :o)

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