In a small, traditional New England town in north-central Massachusetts, just a ten minute drive from the northern tip of the vast Quabbin reservoir, is the workshop of Kenneth Mildren. For the past decade, a steady stream of hand-made wooden boats have been produced from this shop. While Kenneth has made a wide variety of boats, from sailing and rowing skiffs to dinghies to wood-strip canoes, recently he has been concentrating on building different styles of kayaks. The Cape Charles kayak to the left is one of his two most recently completed projects and was built with the assistance of Kenneth's nephew, Dan Stimson, a Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation major at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst.

Kenneth and Dan can often be found paddling many of the scenic bodies of water that decorate New England's landscape. They are currently working on completing some kayaks of a similar but smaller style.

So, if you're interested in kayaks, woodworking, New England, or just the Great Outdoors, please enjoy paddling Ken's Kayak Page.

Goals: We set up this site in the hopes that we would find other paddlers nearby who are interested in sharing information on any facet of paddling. From building and upgrading tips to new paddling sites. We encourage anyone who is interested to contact us through e-mail (see below) with their questions, suggestions, or anything else.


have paddled here since August 1998

You can contact Kenneth Mildren at:
and Dan Stimson at:

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This page was created by R.A. Mildren. Contact at: