Hello, and welcome to MY web-page. I will be updating this promptly, but I'm naturally a lazy person... I'm working on it.
TO that extent, I'm sure most of you have noticed, if you even come here, that I haven't done a @#$%ing thing with this page for about 3 years... I'm BUSY!!! I live on my own, I've got work, a common-law wife (so pay NO attention to the g/f page as I'm updating that later), payments to make... yeesh! But, I still have my chatroom working, and will be updating stuff soon enough.
Dreamscape BBS where I used to get my Internet account from.
My FTP Site:This is intended for my Comp Sci class of Cap College, but if you want, you can log in... If you do and you don't know the login, just go for Anonymous... and some newer versions of IE don't seem to recognize this perfectly good link, so either use Netscape or copy and paste this into your browser:
Stroud's CWSApps List - Main Page: It's been a while since I've been here, but they still have a good bunch of apps to d/l.
Crystal Gates BBS at (604)430-4487: This is a local call anywhere in the Greater Vancouver Regional District in British Columbia. I come here quite often to download pictures and games.
All about me: This peripheral has a whole bunch of personal information about the main webmaster of this site.
All about my g/f:Take a WILD guess on this one... come on!
Flight Simulator for MS-DOS; this is my page FULL of links (as full as it may be at this time).
Obsession of the Season:This page has my obsession of the month, as short as that month may be when made, and is NOT to be taken as an insult to the said person in question.
The Landing Area:This is my chat line. It fits 25 people at max. If you come in and there's someone to chat with, lucky you. If there isn't, fine. Either way, I'm NOT going to regulate when and with who the chat times are...!
My sister's 49 Signs of Insanity:Well, my sister wanted in on the fun, so she typed this up. *sigh* Well, it's not THAT bad; check it out, and mail me so I can tell her what you thought of it.
Have fun, and please come again...!