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Welcome to The Foutch Virtual Zoo

last updated on Saturday, July 26, 1997

When I started this project, the main objective was to provide a free source of beautiful animal pictures. As the FVZ developed I realized that content was as important as the images and therefore started adding vital information and statistics for each of the animals. I gathered pictures and information from a variety of different Internet sites but I was especially careful not to include any copyrighted information. This was not very hard to do as the images were readily available everywhere that I looked. Not a single image that I collected had any copyright attached or noted.

Imagine my surprise when I received email telling me that some of the images contained in the FVZ were property of the Smithsonian Institution. This was very troubling to me as I had made every possible effort to obtain images that were not the property of someone else. After consulting with a few "legal eagles" (yes, that was intended as a joke) I find that because The Foutch Virtual Zoo is a private collection of images and text I am not in any trouble. I am only aware of a few copyrighted images that are housed herein. I will encourage all private collectors to obtain whatever images that they desire. I will discourage the use of any image housed in the FVZ for obtaining profits. I am not the copyright police, but I have learned a hard lesson.

Thank you for visiting The Foutch Virtual Zoo. Enjoy your stay.

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Or visit the Foutch Page to find out more about our family

Gold Star Award

We are pleased to be honored by Astrology.Net


Look for The Foutch Virtual Zoo and links to other Zoos at ZooNet

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