BSA Troop 208

Boy Scout Troop 208

Troop 208 is located in the Allentown section of the City of Pittsburgh, PA. We are sponsored by St. John Vianney Parish.
Council: Greater Pittsburgh Council
District: Steel City

As winter approaches, the troop is currently planning a Court of Honor to distribute any merit badges, badges of rank, awards, etc. to the boys that were earned over this past year, as well as from summer camp. Visit us in the news section of the website, under Camping to read about our Fall Weekend Camp, November 7th, 8th and 9th at Camp Baker in beaver Falls, PA.

“Camp life is an American tradition. It is a way of life. A generation trained in the art of camping will receive experience which I believe will give them exceptional equipment with which to cope with some of the most difficult problems of life in the years that lie ahead.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt
32nd President of the United States

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