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Ktemaque Lodge #15 WWW
Order of the Arrow
Westchester-Putnam Council
Boy Scouts of America
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The Order of the Arrow is the national honor society of the Boy Scouts of America.
Ktemaque Lodge #15 WWW is the Order of the Arrow lodge chartered by the Westchester-Putnam Council of the Boy Scouts of America.  The Westchester-Putnam Council serves the Boy Scouts of America community of Westchester and Putnam counties in southeastern New York state.

  • Newsletter April - June 2009 added to Newsletter web page.
  • NOAC 2009 patches are for sale.  See NOAC information below.
  • Spring and Fall Service Weekend, Fall Ordeal, and Brotherhood Quest info updated below.
  • Section NE-7B Conclave registration forms added to Forms web page and event details added below.
  • NEW High Adventure OA Canadian Odyssey program for 2009.  Click here for information.
  • Section Conclave changed to June 12-14, 2009.

General Information

Spring Service Weekend, Spring Ordeal, and Brotherhood Quest
Our Spring Service Weekend will be May 15-17, 2009 at the Curtis S. Read Scout Reservation in Brant Lake, NY.  All youth and adult members are invited.  The Ordeal and Brotherhood Quest will be offered.
Mail the registration form, the Personal Health and Medical Record Class 1 form, and your check postmarked no later than May 8, 2009.  These forms are on the Forms web page and also in the January - March 2009 issue of the Beaver Tracks newsletter.
Round-trip transportation in the Council van from the Council Service Center in Hawthorne to Curtis S. Read Scout Reservation in Brant Lake, NY is $30, but spaces are very limited.  Send in your registration form and payment early to reserve a first-come, first-served space in the van.  Those who registered and paid in advance to travel to Camp Read in a Council van should arrive at the Westchester-Putnam Council parking lot before 5:00 p.m. on Friday.  All passengers riding in the Council van MUST bring a copy of their Personal Health and Medical Record Class 1 form.  Contact Rob C., Lodge Adviser, (914) 528-9331 if you have questions about the Council van transportation.

Ordeal Candidates check in Friday from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Camp Buckskin Dining Hall at Read Scout Reservation with your official uniform in your backpack.  All other members check in Friday from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Camp Buckskin Dining Hall at Read Scout Reservation with your official uniform and OA sash in your backpack.  Eat supper before you arrive.  The weekend activities are finished Sunday about 11:00 a.m.

Ordeal candidates should bring all the items listed in the letter they received in April.  Others should bring work clothes, work gloves, water bottle, clothes to dress for the weather (it can get cold or rain), sleeping bag, pillow (optional), and personal care items.  Adults with carpentry or electrical skills should bring their own personal tools.  This year we shall be working on many projects all around camp in preparation for its opening this summer.

Bring about $20 in small bills if you want to purchase Ktemaque Lodge and Order of the Arrow items at the Ktemaque Lodge Trading Post.

All brothers who want to help the candidates experience a quality Ordeal by assisting as an Elangomat should contact Head Elangomat James M. in advance.  Training is available.

Join the Ceremonies team and help the candidates experience an Ordeal Ceremony that they'll never forget!  Contact David M, the Ceremonies Chairman.  Ordeal members and Brotherhood members are welcome to join the Ceremonies team.  Costumes are supplied and training is available.

On Saturday the lodge will hold its annual election of lodge officers.  The election will be held in the Camp Buckskin Dining Hall.  If you are interested in serving in a lodge leadership position, please contact Robert C., Lodge Adviser, (914) 528-9331 by May 8 to discuss the position and its responsibilities, and get answers to your questions.  Then, please notify Robert C., Lodge Adviser by May 11 to be approved if you are interested in running for a lodge leadership position.

Those members who are fairly new to the lodge may not have the faintest clue as to how someone becomes the Lodge Chief.  Some common questions he might ask could be:
What are the qualifications?
Do you have to be a certain rank?
What are the duties?
Do you have to be a certain age?
Do I need my Unit Leader's permission?
Here is a little background information that will assist in the answers to these questions.

All elected lodge officers must be under the age of 21 during their entire term in office.  It is each officer's responsibility to attend all Lodge Executive Committee Meetings (usually held on the 4th Tuesday beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Council Service Center in Hawthorne) and lodge events.  Lodge officers plan all lodge events as well as develop an annual operating budget.  All officers must make every effort to attend all lodge meetings and functions.  Contact Robert C., Lodge Adviser (914) 528-9331 for more information.

Here is a brief list and explanations of the lodge officer positions:
He is responsible for the daily operations of the Lodge and coordination of all events and programs through the other youth.  He presides over all of the Lodge and the Lodge Executive Committee.  Most importantly, he must be able to delegate authority, follow up, and remain in control.

He is responsible for all of the lodge programs and activities.  He is the head honcho over the Ceremonial Committee and will take over the Lodge Chief's responsibilities in his absence.


His responsibilities are the operations of the five Districts.  He is responsible for the Unit Elections and the Camp Promotions Committees in each district.  He is also responsible for the OA Troop Representative program.

He is responsible for the Lodge records and publications.  He prepares the Beaver Tracks lodge newsletter, maintains the Ktemaque Lodge web site, and promotes participation in OA events and activities.  He also takes the Lodge Executive Committee Meeting Minutes and sends it to the Lodge Executive Committee.  He works with the Lodge Chief to prepare meeting agendas.

He is responsible for all the service projects of the Lodge.  He works with the Council Camping Committee to prepare camp maintenance projects for the lodge service weekends.

There will be a mandatory training meeting for all officers.  The date, time, and location are to be decided.

If you have questions about the Spring Service Weekend, please contact Clayton W., Lodge Chief, or Rob C., Lodge Adviser, (914) 528-9331.

Check back here later for updates.

Section Conclave
Our Section NE-7B Conclave will be on June 12-14, 2009 at Camp Tri-Mount Scout Reservation (map to camp) on Boy Scout Road, East Jewett, NY in the Catskills.  Click here to get driving directions from your location.

There are 3 separate forms that each individual must fill out and return with their prepayment to register for the event:
These three forms are available in PDF format both separately and in a combined PDF document on the Forms web page and are also on the Section NE-7B web site.

Online registration will be available soon on the Section NE-7B web site.

No walk-ins are permitted.  Everyone must pre-register and pre-pay.

New Ordeal members inducted in May may register with the $25 registration fee and not pay late fees.

The deadline for early registration is May 10, 2009.  Your registration form, medical form, training selection form, and payment must be received by May 10.  After May 10 the registration fees increase (See registration form).  No registration will be accepted after June 11.

Saturday morning training sessions include camp cooking, Native American crafts, I'm Ordeal (for new Ordeal members), Brotherhood and Beyond, Ceremony Team, Managing Time, Priorities, and Resouces, and many others.

There will be lots of games, fun activities, and evening programs for everyone to enjoy!

We are very fortunate to have the honor of the National Chief Jack O'Neill and the National Vice Chief Dan Higham attend our Section Conclave as guests.  This is a great opportunity to meet and speak to our national youth officers.
Section Conclave news will be on the Section NE-7B web site.

Check back here later for possible updates.

If you have questions, contact Rob C., Lodge Adviser.

National Order of the Arrow Conference
All youth and adult members are invited to attend the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) on August 1-6, 2009 at Indiana University in Bloomington, IN.  Over 8,000 Arrowmen will come together to have fun, learn new things, and celebrate the best the OA has to offer.  This six-day adventure is unlike any other event in Scouting, and only OA members can participate.
A typical NOAC day covers all aspects of the OA.  In the morning, you can pick your choice of world-class training sessions ranging from Leadership, to Indian Crafts, to Ceremonies, to High Adventure Skills, and more.  The afternoon brings sports, competitions, special events, and more.  After dinner, you get to see an outstanding Evening Show with a new show each night.  After the show, there are open activities, patch trading, and just hanging out with your friends.
To better understand a NOAC, click here to view a promotional video.
The expected cost is $650 per Arrowman.  We'll stay in dorm rooms (most are air-conditioned) on the Indiana University campus.  Ktemaque Lodge will travel by bus, stopping enroute at the Cedar Point amusement park in Ohio.

If you are interested in going to this unforgetable event and for more information, click here.  Contact Brandon A. or Mr. Robert C. for further registration and transportation information.
If you are interested in purchasing patches, trading patches are available for $10 and fund raising for $25 (both plus $1.50 for shipping) and numbered sets for $80.

Don't miss going to this National Order of the Arrow Conference, because the next one will be held in 2012.

Ktemaque Lodge's NOAC 2009 patches are for sale.

  • $10 trading patches with red border
  • $25 fund raising patches with yellow border
  • $80 numbered sets with silver border contingent patch
Add $1.50 for shipping.

If you have questions or to order patches, please contact Rob C., Lodge Adviser.

Fall Service Weekend, Fall Ordeal, and Brotherhood Quest

The Fall Service Weekend, Ordeal, and Brotherhood Quest will be held September 25-27, 2009 at Durland Scout Reservation at Clear Lake, 1 Clear Lake Road, in Putnam Valley, NY.

Register in advance (NO WALK-INS) using the 2009 Fall Service Weekend Registration Form and medical form - 2 pages and mail it with the appropriate fee to the Council Service Center postmarked by September 18.  Your check should be made payable to "Westchester-Putnam Council, BSA".  Write "OA Account #1-2371-000-00" in the memo section of your check.  Make sure your Personal Health & Medical Record Permission Slip form is submitted with your registration form.  No one will be allowed in camp without one.  These forms are on the Ktemaque Lodge web site's "Forms" web page and will also be in the Beaver Tracks July - September 2009 newsletter.

This weekend event is held rain or shine.

This map has optional driving directions to Durland Scout Reservation from your location.

Eat supper before you arrive.

Bring about $20 cash in small bills to purchase Order of the Arrow items at the Order of the Arrow Trading Post on Saturday evening, if desired.

Ordeal for Scouts
Scouts who were elected to the OA in 2009 and did not do their Ordeal in the spring need to register in advance (no walk-ins) for their Ordeal during the Fall Service Weekend.  This is the last opportunity this year to do an Ordeal.  Register in advance using the "2009 Candidate Information and Registration Form" that was mailed after April 1, and note especially the list of things to bring.  Mail the registration form, Personal Health & Medical Record Permission Slip, and your check made payable to the "Westchester-Putnam Council, BSA" to the Council Service Center postmarked by September 18.  Write "OA Fall Ordeal Account #1-2371-000-00" in the memo section of the check.  Eat supper BEFORE you arrive.  The Ordeal will end approximately 11:00 a.m. Sunday.

Everyone should arrive wearing their official uniform on Friday.

Any Scout who was elected in 2009 and did not attend the spring or fall Ordeal needs to be re-elected in 2010 unless he requests, in writing, a waiver due to a medical/family emergency.  Please email the Vice Chief of Operations or Operations Adviser, Alex W.  See the Contact Us web page.

Ordeal for Scouters
Candidates approved in 2009 for participation in the induction process were notified by mail of their selection.  Any of those Scouters who did not attend the 2009 Spring Ordeal need to register in advance for his/her Ordeal during the Fall Service Weekend.  This is the last opportunity this year to do an Ordeal.  Register in advance (no walk-ins) using the "2009 Candidate Information and Registration Form" that was mailed to the approved Candidates in April.  Mail the registration form, “Personal Health & Medical Record Permission Slip”, and check made payable to the "Westchester-Putnam Council, BSA" with the appropriate fee to the Council Service Center postmarked by September 18.  Scouters are encouraged to bring tools of their trade that would be helpful in camp maintenance.

What to wear
Everyone should arrive wearing their official uniform on Friday.  Bring work clothes and work gloves.

Any Scouter who was approved for participation in the induction process in 2009 and did not attend the spring or fall Ordeal needs to be re-nominated in 2010 unless he requests, in writing, a waiver due to a medical/family emergency.  Please email the Vice Chief of Operations or Operations Adviser Alex W.  See the Contact Us web page.

Brotherhood Quest
Click here to watch a Brotherhood video ad.  It lasts less than one minute.

If you have been active in the lodge for ten months or more since completing your Ordeal, now is your chance to become a Brotherhood member of our Lodge!  All Ordeal members should complete their Brotherhood Quest.  Completion of the Brotherhood Quest signifies full membership in the Order of the Arrow.

Brotherhood requirements are:
  • completed 10 months of unit service as an Ordeal member.
  • maintained your registered membership in Scouting
  • maintained your registered membership in the Order of the Arrow
  • memorized the Obligation, the Order of the Arrow Official Song, the Admonition, the sign of Ordeal membership, and the Arrow handclasp (See the Order of the Arrow Handbook.)
  • gained a thorough understanding of the Ordeal through which you have passed (See "The Customs and Traditions of the Ordeal" in the Order of the Arrow Handbook.)

The Brotherhood Quest is a way to reaffirm your dedication to the Order and its ideals.  It is also an invitation to get more involved in the Lodge.

Register in advance (no walk-ins) for your Brotherhood Quest using the "2009 Fall Service Weekend Registration Form" and "Personal Health and Medical Record Form" that are on the "Forms" webpage, and mail with the appropriate fee to the Council Service Center postmarked by September 18.

For the September 25-27 Brotherhood Quest arrive Friday between 8:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. wearing your official uniform and your Ordeal sash.  Bring a water bottle, old work clothes, clothing for the weather, a sleeping bag, and your backpack.

We encourage everyone to attend the entire weekend, but if your time is very limited you may do your Brotherhood Quest on Saturday, September 26 from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Durland Scout Reservation.  Check in at the Jones Cabin on Saturday at 10:00 a.m.  Saturday-only participants should arrange in advance to be picked up Saturday at 9:00 p.m. at the Jones Cabin.  Be sure to check "Saturday only" on your registration form.  The Saturday-only fee includes lunch and supper.

Be sure to mail your registration form, medical form, and payment in advance.

Schedule for Fall Service Weekend, Fall Ordeal, and Brotherhood Quest

Friday, September 25
7:00 p.m.
  • Staff (Elangomats, Ceremony Team, Lodge Executive Committee members, and staff adults) arrive to set up.  Check in at the Campmaster Cabin, and receive additional instructions, if needed.
  • Everyone should arrive wearing their official uniform and OA sash.
8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
  • Ordeal Candidates and Brotherhood Quest candidates arrive and CHECK IN at the Campmaster Cabin.
  • Park in the parking lot next to the Campmaster Cabin.
  • Scouts should leave their gear in their car, and go into the Campmaster Cabin with one parent (or responsible adult) to check in.
  • Everyone should arrive wearing their official uniform and OA sash (if they have one).
  • The latrine is the smaller building across the parking lot from the Campmaster Cabin.
  • After check in, scouts should go to Sperling Center.  Scouts say goodbye to their parents.  Parents leave.
  • Scouts bring their gear to Sperling Center, and wait in Sperling Center for their Ordeal or Brotherhood Quest to begin.
Ordeal and Brotherhood Quest begins
  • When it is time for the Ordeal or Brotherhood Quest to begin, instructions will be given at Sperling Center.
Saturday, September 26
Ordeal and Brotherhood Quest continue.

Those not participating in their Ordeal or Brotherhood Quest will do a service project.
Sunday, September 27
11:00 a.m.
All brothers who want to help the candidates experience a quality Ordeal by assisting as an Elangomat should contact the Program Vice Chief in advance.  Training is available.

Join the Ceremonies team
and help the candidates experience an Ordeal Ceremony that they'll never forget!  Contact the Program Vice Chief.  Members who have completed their Ordeal and Brotherhood members are welcome to join the Ceremonies team.  Costumes are supplied.  Training is available.


Contact the Lodge Chief or Mr. Rob Carlson, Lodge Adviser if you have questions about the Ordeal, Brotherhood Quest, or Fall Service Weekend.  See the Contact Us web page.
Check back here later for possible updates.


Frequently Asked Questions

Click here for answers from the National Order of the Arrow web site to frequently asked questions about Membership Issues, Policies and Guidelines, OA Troop/Team Representative, Ordeal and Brotherhood Honors, Vigil Honor, Awards and Recognition, Venturing, Contacting OA Leaders, National OA Web Site, Events and Activities, and Miscellaneous.  If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact one of the Ktemaque Lodge officers or advisers listed on our Contact Us web page or on the officers list in our Beaver Tracks newsletter.

JumpStart for new Arrowmen

JumpStart is for new Arrowmen who have been inducted into the Order of the Arrow.  Click here.

New members can catch a glimpse of the OA's rich history, discover more about their Ordeal experience, and learn how to seal their membership in the Order by taking the next step:  Brotherhood Membership.

Lodge Executive Committee meetings

"Lodge Executive Committee Meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of every month (not July) at the Council Service Center, Hawthorne, NY 7:30 p.m.  We hope to see many members attend and participate because at the meetings everyone’s voice is heard."  Clayton W., Lodge Chief.


Click here for the eligibility requirements for youths and adults.

Unit Elections

The Ktemaque Lodge's election period is from January 1 through March 31.

Click on "Election Guide" on the left tool bar on this web page, then read the eight-page Election Guide.  The guide has information on youth and adult membership requirements, the election ceremony, ballot session, how to submit results, and the adult nomination form.

The election results should be sent to Ktemaque Lodge by April 1.  The BSA ID number of those elected MUST be included in the election results.  Results postmarked after April 1 will not allow adequate time for Ktemaque Lodge to send needed information to those elected.  Anyone not receiving their invitation in the mail by May 1 to take their Ordeal should contact the Vice Chief of Operations or the Operations Adviser.

Contact the Vice Chief of Operations or the Operations Adviser if you have questions about elections.


Click "Newsletter" on the left menu to see the current issue of the lodge newsletter, "Beaver Tracks".

Order of the Arrow High Adventure Programs
OA Ocean Adventure, OA Trail Crew, and OA Wilderness Voyage.  NEW in 2009 is Canadian Odyssey!

Register early because these popular programs fill fast.  OA Ocean Adventure 2009 was full in February 2009.

OA High Adventure 2009 applications are now available on the OA High Adventure web site.  We encourage you to apply for OA Trail Crew, OA Wilderness Voyage, or OA Canadian Odyssey as preference for OA Ocean Adventure will be given to those who have attended either OA Trail Crew, OA Wilderness Voyage, or OA Canadian Odyssey.

Order of the Arrow Troop Representative
Scouts may use the Order of the Arrow Troop Representative position to meet the leadership position requirements for the Star, Life, and Eagle ranks.

Every troop must return to Ktemaque Lodge an OA Troop Representative registration form and an OA Troop Representative Adviser registration form by September 30 annually and whenever there is a change.

For more information about the OA Troop Representative position, duties, and qualifications, go to:  www.main.oa-bsa.org/programs/ttr/troop.php

For information about the OA Troop Representative Adviser position, duties, and qualifications, go to: www.main.oa-bsa.org/programs/ttr/tadviser.php

Past Events
Details of some past events.

Unit Election Handbook
Our Unit Election Handbook is now available online.  Did you know you can submit your unit's Election Results Report electronically?

Want to get more involved?
Want to get more involved?  Take on a lodge leadership position!  There are a number of vacancies (look under the Contact Us section for details).  If you are interested in filling one of these positions, contact the Lodge Chief or the Chairman of the appropriate committee.

Web Site
Please contact the Webmaster or his Adviser (look under the "Lodge Committees" section) if you notice a broken link or have a suggestion or comment about this web site.

This webpage - http://www.geocities.com/ktemaque15

Where to Go Camping
The Directory of Council Camps and Outdoor Facilities - Northeast Region was prepared and is maintained by the Order of the Arrow Northeast Region to assist Scouting leaders with their planning of a varied, interesting, and educational year-round program of camping and outdoor activities.


  Link to Site Information Link to Site Map