Welcome to P.J. Perea's Matchfishing Homepage

Guess what two bankanglers did on May 15? They won a major regional qualifier on the American Crappie Association Fishing Circuit. That right! Dave Roete and P.J. Perea stunned hundreds of anglers using finesse techniques gleaned from watching European master anglers and modifying it to American crappie fishing. Battling some of the most difficult fishing conditions, they managed to beat some of the best teams in the country. While most teams struggled to catch a limit of ten fish, they rolled in with 49 fish. Check out the results Here!

We'd like to welcome the newest member to our bank fishing family, St. Louis County Parks. Visit their site below and check out the details on their summer bankfishing events.

We'd also like to welcome Wackerbaits! They'll be providing Carp and Match Anglers particle baits, groundbait and tackle. Give them a click and see what's new.

Rumor has it that Panther Creek Bait Company is finally off the ground. Match proven groundbait, scents and bait supplies for bank anglers. More to come soon!

Check out the details from the 800 pound carp and catfish caught and released during the 1998 Illinois State Fair. Including a record shattering 169.8 pound session fished in front of thousands of spectators!

Click on picture for more details


1999 Matchfishing Schedule

U.S. Open '99

1999 Gateway Classic

Individual Team
Angler Championships
$$ Cash Prizes
June 5-Spanish Lake St. Louis
$25 per Angler
Register w/Kurt Otterstein

1999 Gateway Classic

2-Man Team
Angler Championships
$$ Cash Prizes
June 6-Spanish Lake, St. Louis
$40 per 2-Man Team
Register w/Kurt Otterstein

Southern Ontario's Shorefishing Tournament Series

Over $1000.00 in cash and prizes
Entry fee is $40.00/event

Sportfishing Promotions
2479 Rosedene Road, St.
Anns, Ontario, LOR 1YO
email: fishing@iaw.on.ca
or call (905) 562-4995

You are fish # in our keepnet!

Other Fishing Allies

North American Matchfishing Clubs, Friends and Sponsors
(NWMA)Black America
Atlanta Area
Bank Anglers
Assorted Fishing LinksNorthern Indiana
Bank Anglers
Midwest Rod and Reel
New '99 Calendar
The Bank Fisherman's Quarterly HomepageSt. Louis County Parks

General Information
What the Heck is Matchfishing?Match Fish of the United States
Tips and Tricks

EQUIPMENT (under construction)
Take Apart poles
New 8m & 10m Poles for under $200!!!
Special Deal for U.S. Anglers
Float RodsAccessories

Sign My Guestbook View My Guestbook Guestbook by Lpage

ablette alborella amorce amorcoir Angeln asticot Barbe barbeau barbel barbo Barsch bigattino bleak bloodworm Brachse Brasse brax bream breme carp carpa caster cavedano chevesne chub Colmic Daiwa Drennan Feeder float flotteur fouilli Futter Futterkorb färna gallegiante Garbolino gardon grande canne granoturco groundbait Grundfutter Haken hamecon hook ide Ignesti joker Karpfen Kilpaonginta Köder La Sirene löja Made maggot mais Match Fishing Maver Milo Mosella mäsk mört pastura pasturatore peche a l'anglais Peche Sportive au Coup pesca all'inglese Pesca Sportiva al Colpo Pinkie polefishing Preston Innovations Rameau roach Rolle Rotauge Rotfeder roubaisienne Rute Schleie Sensas Shimano slider Stecker Stipprute sweetcorn Tekmovalni Ribolov Trabucco Tubertini Tävlingsmete van den Eynde ver de terre ver de vase waggler Wedstrijdvissen Wettangeln worm Wurm Zuckmückenlarve matchfishing bobber

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