Have a coffee and enjoy your stay....

Well considering that this is my first home page it will slowly start coming along.. But til then let me tell you a little about ourselves..
We reside in Winnipeg, Manitoba which is in central Canada and have so all my life..
My wife and I are 28 years old and we are both nudists..
Like most people we enjoy camping and sports such as beach volleyball, swimming, walks on nature trails, fishing, suntanning,
and lots more in the great outdoors (just that we like to do it in the nude)..
If you are hoping to see any nudity on this page you will be disappointed..
We live a good clean lifestyle and to what many may think there is no sexual activities that occur amoung nudists..
We are family orientated people that get together to enjoy each others company and play sports..

After all if we were meant to be nude we would have been born that way...

We are current members of the American Association For Nude Recreation (A.A.N.R)..
A.A.N.R celibated it`s 65th birthday and remains to be a vastly growing association..
We have been nudists for about 5 years..
We enjoy this lifestyle and have loved it from the first time we experienced it..
We find that there`s nothing more relaxing than lying in the sun on a hot summers day with a cold drink and a gentle breeze..
Nudists come from all walks of life.. You are accepted for who you are and not for how you dress or look..
Once we joined a club (Crocus Grove) in our area we felt that we didn`t join a club but a large family.. The people are respectable and friendly..

Here`s a little about our club :

At the club we joined there are many things you can do..
The favorite one would have to be the sand volleyball court..But that`s not all,
there`s the sauna, hot tub, swimming pool, pool table, shuffle board table inside as well as the outdoor shuffle board,
badminton court, take a walk on the 2km nature trail,
or just relaxing in the sun or shade while playing some card games..

Here are some quotes from some wise people :

"Nudism is not wrong. It`s not the human body
one should fear, but the evil mind. Don`t forget
you were born naked and without shame"
Thomas Clark
President, Sanibel Naturists
Ft. Myers, Florida.(The Bulletin Oct.1996)

" I'm not ashamed of the body and I am certainly trying
to find out why people place so much importance on
the naked body as something that is negative. In that way
I am not inhibited. Shame is something that's taught
and/or a conditioned response. It's not something
that we naturally feel."
Demi Moore
Actress..(The Bulletin Nov.1996)

"If god had intended us to go around in the nude,
we would have been born that way. In other words,
it really is possible to put the fig leaves back on the trees,
where they belong."
Bjorn Gronskov
Journalist...(The Bulletin Nov.1996)

Thank you for stopping in and keep an eye on this page once in a while to see all the new changes to come...Have a great day...

If you have any questions about our lifestyle feel free to drop me a line and ask away..
*All serious questions and enquiries answered others ignored*

© 1996 icebare@hotmail.com

If you would like a link to your web page let me know the address
and I'll be more than happy to add one..
(Non-sexual orientated sites only please and social nudist pages prefered)...

links to else where land..

click on sign for page 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Crocus Grove Sun Club
Clothing Optional Day Sails from Beautiful Key West, FL **NEW**
Ken And Kayla's Natrist Informational Web Pages **NEW**
Nudist Ralph
Darebare's Homepage
Naturally California
American Association For Nude Recreation (A.A.N.R)


I am currently looking to add new "Nudist" links to my page.
Replacing the "dead" links that were here. If you would like your site link here, please
summit the address to my E-Mail (above).
I just ask that you also in return link my site on your page as well. Thank you....

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Nudism Web Ring
please take a few seconds
to sign my guest book
and let me know.....

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J. Kruk
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