Yes, I did ski Jackson Hole in Feb of 2007. Story to be posted soon...
North Carolina Skiing!!
What a trip - NC Blizzard of 2000
In mid-January, it snowed 21" in the Raleigh, NC area. Since my lot is long, narrow, and mostly on a hill, I broke out my skis and ripped! The snow was light and dry and I skied for 4 or 5 days straight - this was one of the most memorable weeks of my life.
The jump to start the run
The Ski Area 50' of vert!
.2 acres of skiiable terrain!
Northeast Ski Trip '99 |
Wildcat, Sunday River, and Cannon Mtn.
What a great time!!
Tons of pics, but I've "rigged" it so you won't have to wait for them to load as you read the story.
Trip 99
Alta and Snowbird
I was treated to skiing Alta (2.5
days) and Snowbird (1 day) in Feb of 98! The story has taken forever to write, so I might just make this a pictoral. We'll see... What I do have to say is: "WOW!! Y'all can stay in CO, I'm going to Utah!"
Can you say incredible terrain, steeps, chutes, and powda? Well, that's what I skied EVERY DAY!
Alta Trail Map - Supreme Side (300K)
Alta Trail Map - Germ/Wildcat Side (280K)
Snowbird Trail Map (245K)
Some of the pics: (but there's more to come!!)
Previous Ski Trips:
August 1997 Vancouver Island and Vancouver, British Columbia
trip (under construction)

The next 3 pictures are from the travels of Powder8:
These pics are excellent quality. It's hard to get this kind of perspective in a ski photo. This is great photography!
Some other favorite pics:
Sugarbush info:
Old Sugarbush lift verticals
Sugarbush expansion "plans" (270K) I reference "plans"
because they're never final until the environmental nazis agree to them. This was
provided by "Bonk" in the ASC Cyberlodge.
Aerials Only shot of Sugarbush
Misc Stuff:
Eastern Skiing .vs. Western: My Ever Humble :) Opinion of
the Eastern Ski experience versus the Western version.
1997/98 ASC Skier Visit Table
(plucked from a post on the Cyberlodge)
Some of my favorite links are below...

The green ribbon campaign calls for free responsible
speech on the Internet.
Series of 5 sermons our church gave concerning the Mormon faith.
Something I wrote up challenging the ridiculous Evolutionary theory
Links to other sites on the Web
American Skiing Company
- New England Skiing's Biggest Resorts
Intellicast Weather
A really cool
Vermont skiing site!! - SkiVt-L
And...My favorite
CO ski area: Arapahoe Basin....IT ROCKS!!
The Unofficial Sugarloaf Home Page
An excellent Killington page with trail descriptions and photos
England Ski Site - good writeups on the different ski areas
Vermont Ski House
web site...nice layout!!
Skimaps.Com - An
excellent resource for your favorite tail maps. (You can even find the ones I
submitted for Killington :-) )
(some of the skiing page links were removed due to outdated url's)
Another great Christian rock band is Sixpence None The Richer. Their first 2 CD's offer a very unique sound that is difficult to categorize, other than as "mesmerizing music." Their web site is under construction - .
people have visited! Thanks!
© 1997
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