Hello, characters from all over the world!

Welcome to MITKO's INTERNET or how at last Mitko saw the world and the world saw Mitko

Actually, my name is Dimiter, although everybody calls me Mitko and I come from a much more beautiful place than Manchester, although I am currently staying and having lots of fun in this cosmopolitan English city.

Not enough to start a gossip? Well, if you are really as nosy as this about MY HIGHNESS, you can make your mouse sniff all around this page - maybe you'll find your efforts rewarded and your curiosity sattisfied. Be warned, however: all compromising facts in this kingdom have long been beheaded and the grass is green fonce on this side! Still, if you happen to come with a lucrative proposal concerning my future, you may not even need to read my resume to decide that I am the only RIGHT CHOICE for whatever you're after.

An animated story from when I started the page and was learning to steal the dogs of an Internet neighbour

Adashxt Pay respect! You're entering the world of an Internet god and his IRC BULGARIA channel page
Petxr Another genius. He used to be my teacher but I think he should create a better home-page
Dorota The best home-page of a friend of mine
Hans No! Here's a better one: presenting student life in Manchester
Steffen Not traditional!!!
Gesha - An old classmate with an old page

Bulgarian electronic press and news "Kontinent","Demokratsiya","Capital","Sega","Darik radio",etc.
Football news from Reuters
Riku's tables and results from around the world - the most comprehensive and up-to-date football server under the sun
This is for weather maniacs Satellite images and weather conditions in all the big cities in the world
ChemEng Stuff

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Last surge of inspiration: 4 May, 1998

© 1996 mjkmedsv@fs1.ce.umist.ac.uk

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