Welcome to my another filmpage,these all are about 200kb size so it won´t take much time to download these.I hope you like them...These films were taken from Ivalo Watercross -99 and Piteċ DragRace 10. Juli -99
Here are Watercross films...
Damn fast Mach Z starting
Mach Z again
256hp Mach Z in oval...this looks cool!!
3 cylinder rotaryvalve Rotax...
Same thing again
Formula 3 agaist Psi T-Cat...
Mxz600 agaist old cross Lynx
Polaris agaist 779cc Skidoo
Tomi Ahmasalo agaist some norwegian who had some troubles...
Tomi Ahmasalo in ovalrace...he really can ride?
Yamaha agaist Formula3
Yamaha-man showing how easy this is :-)
Yamaha starting
These films are from Piteċ dragrace...
Well this is not from Piteċ...Mikkos turbo...
Harleys at line
Turbo gsxr I,at this point everything was OK...
Turbo gsxr II,but at this point something went wrong...
Jamppa and Jari leaving the line...
Jyris cool Yamaha...
These this really kick ass...??
another Pro-Bike
Snowmobiles in Asphalt!!!!
More snowmobiles in asphalt