The clock of life is wound but once,
        ...and no man knows the hour,
        Just when those hands will stop, late or early hour.
        "Now" is the only time you own, live, love, work with the will.
        Place no faith in tomorrow,
        ...for the hands may then be still.

        ---Author unknown


        Pic taken summer 2008.

        click on anything Pink to see more !!!

        Hi! I'm 1ßabydoll, here are a few simple pleasures life has to offer that I enjoy !!

        The sound of crickets chirping on a warm summers eve. The feel of the sun warmed sand as I walk along the beach. Taking time to stop and smell the flowers. A gentle breeze gently cradling the colorful Autumn leaves to the ground. A powerful thunderstorm. Watching a soft snowfall from the comforts of my warm home. Taking long relaxing walks in the woods and fields.

        Picture taken August 2008, Ocean City, Maryland!

        In case you couldn't tell I love the outdoors!!! I can enjoy most of these things right here at home.
        I have 2 boys, one is 14 the baby is 10. My boys are my world! I was born and raised here in Pennsylvania USA. I lived in southeast Houston, Tx. for 2 1/2 years back in 1986. But returned home to be near friends and family.
        If you'd like to get to know me a little better, just ask....or sign my guestbook.
        Here are some pics of my family!!! and our most recent Holiday/event!!!
        Here are a few pics from our most recent vacations, Cape May and the Falls. We had fun!!! :o)
        Here's a couple old pics of me and the family!!!
        Thanks for stopping by my page, and taking the time to get to know me a little better....TTFN

        PS.Here's a little poem that I really loved, about cyber-friendships. Check it out!!!

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        Very cool 3 D pics!!!
        Need HTML help??
        Another BEAUTIFUL poem!!! :o)