Michelle's Marvelous Masterpiece!

Welcome to Michelle Davis's Home Page!!

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Hi kids, welcome to About My Life, or what I feel is important, anyway!!

Okay, I've never been a big fan of enormous homepages that take two minutes to download, and the 'net is all about linking, right?!? So here are a few links to more about me!!

Oh, I suppose I could give just a tiny little bio first :)

I'm 22 years old, graduated from college, accepted into medical school, and trying to get my life together (but isn't everyone, right?). I enjoy a lot of outdoors activities; Mother Nature and I were best friends growing up, and still are today!! I have a good sense of humor, am friendly, outgoing, and try not to beat up my two younger brothers too often!! (that's a joke, they're both over 20-40 pounds heavier than me now!! Why do males have to go through puberty, anyway!?!) My two favorite activities when I went to school at a small liberal arts college (sic!) in Colorado were climbing the small 14000' hills they had around there, and falling out of planes (hey, you've got to take advantage of what's out there, right!?!) Oh, and I'm what some people would call transsexual. To find out about all these things and more just follow the links below! And thanks for visiting!! M

More about me...
About my mountain climbing...
About my skydiving...
Fabulous links I've found...

E-mail Michelle
E-mail me!!!

This page was last updated on: Saturday, November 23th, 1996.

You are person number to visit since Thanksgiving, 1996, when the turkeys at GeoCities reset my web counter.

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Keywords: transgender transsexual personal