
Having taken a TEDIOUSLY long time to grow up -
Be advised that I shall certainly set no speed records growing old!!

Yes, I did!! In the spring of 2000 I finally graduated college. I got my bachelors degree from University of Texas, at San Antonio. BOY! It was a great accomplishment for me, I must say. I was awarded my BBA in Information Systems, with a GPA of about 3.1. For a 40-something gal, that aint to bad! In August 2000 I took the GRE - and hope to be heading off to UT- Austin next year to grad school. I want my Masters of Library Science, - with an emphasis on Database Technology. Of course, I wanted to go to Law School for soo many years, but that seems like an awful lotta work! I am also actively looking for work - wish me luck!
Dawnell is now a domain name! My new (and main) site is now Dawnell.com Visit me there. It is still under construction, but you should find a bunch of new links! Especially to our Dutch Vacation Page. And don't forget Paul's site Claessen.com You can bug Paul and make him get off his duff and work on the site!
During the Spring and Summer of 1998, I moved to Texas, got married, started a new job and a new school and it is ALL good! Our family and friends came from FAR and WIDE to celebrate our marriage. Except for my daughter having caught some kind of bug, EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT!! Here - see for yourself! Our Wedding Page!! Please be so kind as to sign our guest book! I cannot believe the peace Paul has brought to me. Our life is one of peaceful co-existence and harmony.
Here is my My Engagement Notice (From February 98) which gives all the details! I can honestly say, I am BLISSFULLY married! Paul is simply the most wonderful man in the world! But, leaving home was tougher than I thought. I had deep roots and strong ties to South Florida, but I've already grown to love Texas. I completed my SCUBA certification, as you can see by the picture at the top of the page! I already love to dive. Now, I know what you are thinking... I lived in Florida for 17 years and I move to Texas and take up diving ...okay, so it doesn't make a lot of sense, but hey! There it is! There are lakes, springs and even rivers to dive in here and we "get wet" most weekends! Paul has been diving for more than 20 years, and he loves it!
I still like to travel and Doc and I have lots of ideas on how to spend the next 50 years worth of vacation time. In 1999 we went to Europe - and in 2000 our trips included Alaska and Bonaire. Not to mention little jaunts to Florida and Kentucky. I love the outdoors and like to wander around in hills and mountains. I have been pretty much ALL over the USA - and I like to canoe, kayak and even raft a bit! Of course, NOW I have diving to think about too! I've been lots of foreign places too! Germany (more than once) Austria, Switzerland, parts of France, and Northern Italy. Plus a couple of jaunts to South America - Venezuela, Brazil, and Columbia, Costa Rica and other Central American Countries. Canada - Mexico (Copper Canyon was awesome!) - all over the Caribbean. I have (ah-hem) skied in Winter Park, Colorado. I have taken a rafting trip down the Colorado River thru the Grand Canyon and hiked (part-way) up Angel Falls. These are two of the Seven Natural Wonders of the world, and I want see all Seven of them before I go on to my great reward!
Our 1998 and 1999 Holiday Seasons were busy! We spent Thanksgiving in Florida with my family. Me and Paul flew to Kentucky in mid-December for my grandmother's family reunion. Then, Paul's sister and her husband came from The Netherlands for 5 weeks. We drove "The Beast" (see below) and took our time. It was wonderful! We visited my Dad on the way, went on a dive trip to the Florida Keys, visited family and friends, took in MGM Studios and just had a GRAND time! Paul's 4 sisters are all wonderful - and they have all visited us here in Texas except Annemiek and Ed! Hint, hint!
My new job ended when Raytheon sold off the Medical Device division that was EMED. It was a great 6 months! I was laid off, along with about 100 other people the week before Thanksgiving. But it was no-where near as tuff as leaving my job in Florida to move to San Antonio. To say that it was difficult leaving Marquette after nearly 10 years is a vast understatement. Of all the changes that have occurred during the last year or so, leaving Marquette is the hardest to live with day to day. I miss the gang at Marquette more than I can even say. Those were the best of times, those were the worst of times. Such a varied, intelligent, (many geniuses there!) and productive environment I am not likely to ever see again. And now, Marquette has been bought by GE Medical Systems and 150 of Marquette's Jupiter, Flordia plant will be phased out over the next nine months - Thru the end of 1999. It is sad to see that end.
Stats: Well, I am female, 42 years old...funny and smart. I read a lot - history, fiction, I love to walk and goof off on the internet! I am getting a little more involved in my yoga ... which Paul kids me about and calls "yogurt"! I can't say which I do better, play golf or ski - I know that I LIKE golfing better than skiing! I have one daughter (Laurilee) of whom I am very proud! She works and goes to school (sometimes!) in Florida. Actually, I talk to her more NOW that I did when we lived right next to each other! She was here in February 1999 for a visit and we took this piccy! Dawnell & Laurilee
I also have to mention my really special friends on the Net! There is Doc, whom I love very much! Crazywoman,(who got married in June 2000!) Azzy, Lenore, Nomad, Elbee, Nikks, and of course, Quixotic Daemon! Such a supportive and FUNNY group of friends!! I cannot imagine what I would do without em! I love ya all, I really do! I still love to chat, in ICQ [1120734] and in Masquerade . I am almost always Suze. But you never know! And now ..there is InterBlab: Grrreat Chat Community - With an Attitude! Just ignore the "No Trespassing Signs". I chat under "Suze" which is my Internet "Handle". I have fallen totally in llove with llamas, so lately I have been using the handle "Suze, The Polly Llama" - but Suze is me!
Here is a pic of my car! 1996 Grand Am - Rrred! Sport model! I have had it 4 years now, so it is about broken in! I am ever pragmatic - but this one is something else and such fun to drive! Here is Paul's BEAST - I do confess, I like to drive it as well!! If you would like to drop me an e-mail, there is a link at the bottom of the page. If that link is down, you can e-mail me at mail@dawnell.com --- I hope to hear from ya! (Unless it is to tell me I use too many commas on my home page!)!

Links to other sites on the Web

Pictures of me!
Our Tampa Trip!
ME! 2/98
Me 2/98 ANGEL!
SUZE! (ME!) 1/97
My new (and now my main) site.
What can I say??

© 1998 dawnell@hotmail.com

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