Royal Ranger Eagle |
to over a year of web design inactivity, my limited time to put any
efforts towards this site, and my help with Mike Graham on the Penn-Del
District site, I am officially closing this site. I will keep this
page open to keep the web chain going, as well as link you to some great
Ranger sites and sites of mine.
I hope to build a site in the future that will incorporate all the ideas I had for this site from the start, such as Ranger resources, Outpost Management, databases, etc. I will work with other Ranger webmaster, mainly the Penn-Del site, to improve their site layout, content, and features. |
Related Links:
Penn-Del District Site
Royal Ranger Links Official Royal Rangers website Ranger DJ
Shawn 'Silent Eagle' Shevitz, a.k.a. shevdog shevdog's homepage Silent Eagle
Contact Information
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then go to the previous site,
and click Next 5,
then go to the site past mine.