
as always...softly shining

Hi! Come on in!! There are a few changes!! *S* It has been such a long time since I have seen you. It's so nice of you to come and visit. *smiling and extending hand* I'm Peg, or Moonbeam, as I use to be known here. Come out on the deck, sit a spell, and enjoy the nightsky with me.

It's been so long since I have set out here on the deck with you. Isn't it beautiful out? Night is my favorite time. *S* The hustle and bustle of the day is over. It's time to relax, reflect on the day, and look to the promise of tomorrow. Shhhh.. Listen carefully, and you can hear the cricket's songs floating on the evening breeze. They seem to whisper of times long ago. *S*

The skies here are so beautiful and clear, that's why it is so easy to see the twinkling of the stars and the moon glowing softly. If you look closely you may even see a shooting star. When you do, make sure you make a wish! *S*

So many wonderful things have happened in my life since we last visited and also some very sad things. I guess that is the way life is, a mixture of both.

It's been almost 10 years since I first made this homepage. Time sure flies by fast! *S* During that time, I have met so many wonderful people and have made so many great friends. Each one of those friends is like a twinkling star, they shine brightly in my life, enriching it with their presence.

My Guestbook no longer works. I don't even think that Mowhawk is still in business. I will eventually get a new one. So for now you can email me at pegmo49@yahoo.comif you so desire.

Thanks so much for taking time to stop by! *hugs* Come and visit again as often as you like! I have many things I would love to tell you, but it is my bed time. *G* I'll keep slowly working on this sight to get it up to date, so please check back from time to time.

My Thoughts

My thoughts have changed. Guess that happens as we get older. *L* I will fill this in more as time goes by, so for now my thoughts are private, but soon will be shared. font>

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to view the previous entries to my guestbook Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4

Love to get write me! *G*
I promise to answer! *S*

© 1996

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