The Ultimate ATB-Page!!!

THE B-MAN still scarry FAST........

Welkom to my homepage and I'm glad you visisted this place. On this page you will find some ATB links and some other funny links for enjoying your internet acces. I hope you like it here and if you know some other cool ATB-links, please let me know. My e-mail is at the bottom of this page. There is also a lot of information for speed-skating fans. On this page you will find several links to speed-skating clubs. There even is a page with a scheme for the 1000, 1500, 3000, 5000 and 10.000 meters. I hope you can use them!!!!

But before you start surfing you must know that this page is made in full cooperation with my sponsors
so take a look and see how to Ride the life The Coolest Way!!!! You can also go and visit my sponsors Home-pages. From most of my sponors there is a link on this page of or the Ultimate Linkpage!!!

and if you've surfed on my page maybe you would like to sign my guestbook, please...

Thanx for visiting!!!! Have Fun............

Thanx The B-Man

Biken in Houffa!!! (in Belgium)

So if you may have noticed I'm a bit of a Mountainbike freak and I ride the bike myself. But I also searshed for some cool Moutainbike links on the web and I've listed them here for you! So take a look and......


SUPER Cool-Links to other sites on the Web

TREK, The best ATB-page
Cannondale, for those who like the oversized Frames!!
A Page from Tom Ritchey himself
GT, great bikebuilders
Diamondback handbuild in the USA
The Troy Lee Designs page
The Bird has always cool stuff (for those who don't know it is Kooka!!!)
Rock-Shox, suspension couldn't be better!!
Air free tires, no snakebites and flat tires!
Everything for your bike, just order it here!!
Just order and see!!

For more links....

Another cool sport is speedskating. It's also a sport I do myself and it's great to do. Maybe it doesn't look great but it is so click and see.

And now some Speed-Skating links:

Schaatsschema's Under construction

Other Speed Skating clubs on the web:

De ISIS Homepage, Studentenschaatsen op en top!!
De IJ.C.E. homepage voor alle schaatsliefhebbers
Vughtse IJsclub "De IJzeren Man"
Ballangrud Breda
Universitaire Sportvereniging Amsterdam
SchaatsVereniging De Skeuvel uit Enschede
Groningse Studenten Schaatvereniging "Tjas"
Apeldoornse schaatsvereniging'D.N.IJ.'
Deventer IJsclub 'D.IJ.C'
Nijmeegse Studenten Schaats en Skeeler Vereniging
IJsvereniging Zoetermeer
Amsterdamse schaatsclubs

Speed Skating Web Sites:

The Ice Speed Skating Home-page
De Ice Speed Skating pagina van Jan van Oosterom
met onder andere:

  • Baanrecords op de ijsbaan Eindhoven
  • Schaatskalender 1996/1997
  • Nederlandse Kernploegen

    Nagano 1998:

    Visit the 1998 Winter Olympics Home Page in Nagano
    1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano, more information

    Diverse uitslagen-sites:

    KNSB ranglijsten
    KNSB Marathon info

    And then there are always friend who have a home page and for them especially I made up this list of links. I also listed some other links.

    Have Fun....

    Some other funny links:

    Niels zijn homepage
    Tom's Roddel-Page
    Andre Bannink zijn pagina
    Marc's Mania
    Evert zijn homepage
    De Interactive Cyber top 50
    De leukste en snelste chat link!!!
    Search-Engine Alta-vista
    Babes, babes & even more......

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