(Still under construction - of course - version about 40)

Sutherland Family Homepage. Godzone..

ROSS (Dad)

A 'Monet' impression

Born 6-July-1960, lived most of my early life in Wainuiomata (Chloe-ville). Attended Parkway College (25th Jubilee - Easter 97) 1974-78 then BCA/ACA at Victoria University (1979-82) Since 1996 have been living in Paraparaumu which just happens to be the site of the local Airport…..





Sunset wave at Paraparaumu
Gliding Addict, Gliding administration, Ski bum, NZ Rock Music, Travel & anything that flys. a little bit of magic here...



Business Plug

Qualified Accountant but more recently Director of Harbour City Systems ltd. Specialising in Business Analysis & Computer Systems (PC database systems - Paradox/Access/Internet) - Got a business problem - we'll fix it.


What!!! Dont you take my picture or I'll ......

Us having FUN!!
Born 22-Aug-57 in Mwanza, Tanzania, Gypsy at heart - Crossed the Sahara - travelled the world. Registered General & Obstetric Nurse - Finally put some roots down in Paraparaumu with us,
Has recently discovered the Internet (usually "wretched computers") and takes great pleasure in reading the English Dailies (Torygraph).


ALEXANDER (Zander - 11 yrs)

You can even email Alexander or visit his own homepage on:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/7798
Born 23-Nov-86, attends Parapaumu school in Form 1. (Mr Van Dalen). Avoured Computer addict with who has to be prized off my internet account and has 2 full hard drives on his own 486 PC and steadily taking over any spare space on dads PC.

JONATHON (Jone - 8 yrs going on 12)

Born 8-Feb-1990, attends Paraparaumu school in Std 2 (Mr Allan) and is positive he was born 3 years earlier. Great Character (read trouble with charm) Becoming a computer fan but without the determined patience of Alexander.

SACHA (Wumpy - 12 yrs)

Born 30-Apr-1986, attends Parapaumu school also in Form 1. (Ms Parker). An Avoured Computer NON-addict but full of artistic talent (and a huge collection of Barbies)

Emma Mary Rose (Emms or sometimes Stinky Malinky - new arrival)

Born 30-Dec-1997, attended to by us totally and the little treasure of the family. Smiles a lot and already knows how to have the whole family running after her. Likely to be a much spoilt younger sister.

Family Piccys

Family piccy outside the 'house'us with granny

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You can email me if you like, or phone: 64-4-2972358 N

Or you can even (if you are brave) email Felicity <FONT COLOR="#800080">a little bit of magic here...

Designed 1-Apr-95 Last Revised: Apr 7, 1998.