Explorer Post 1950

Tall Pine Council, Boy Scouts of America

Camp Tapico Staff Alumni

Members! Meeting date changed!

Post 1950 will now have its next meeting at Camp Tapico January 23-25, 1998. The summer camp cabinet will be there to do interviews that weekend for the 1998 season. There will also be activities for members even if they are not planning on working this summer. Please come! Get in touch with one of the officers if you are interested!

Summer Camp Cabinet announced:

- Camp Director: Mike Beratta
- Program Director: David T. McGregor
- Business Manager: Sherry Marshall
- Ranger: Hugh Clark

What is Post 1950?

Post 1950 is made up of current and past staff members of BSA Camp Tapico in Kalkaska, MI. It was founded on August 13, 1997 to serve as a year-round program staff for a camp that means more to us than most places we've been. If you have ever staffed the camp and would like to join, or have ever camped there and just have something to share, please e-mail us at Camp Tapico .

1997 Camp Tapico Staff!

Our Current Officers are:

President: Wade Merrill
Vice-President of Program: Ryan Pickard
Vice President of Business: Charlie Baggs
Vice President of Service: Matt Francis
Adviser: Mike Beratta

"God may live at Philmont, but he vacations at Camp Tapico."

Comments to Webmaster.

Last Updated on 12/16/97
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