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W e l c o m e !

Read Geocities World Report in Russian! (ALT and TRANSLIT codes)

To read report in KOI8 code visit [Natalie Zubar's homepage],
to read report in WIN code visit [Sergey Chrenov's homepage]
  1. Vol. 2 No. 2 (January 15, 1997)
  2. Vol. 2 No. 3 (February 1, 1997)
  3. Vol. 2 No. 5 (February 1, 1997)[ALT][Transliterartion]
And visit Russian Directory on Geocities
Especially, if you do not know what is russian language, russian codes, and russian speaking people on Geocities

Russian variant of this page in WIN or KOI8 or DOS coding

My name is Alexander Roubin

I live in Moscow, Russia

More info about me ...

I'm a

Student of the Russian State University for Humanitarians,
Member of the committee for helping refugees and forced migrants "Civic Assistance",
Member of the Memorial Human Rights center
Geocities official Translator
Visit site of Natalie V. Zubar, Geocities official translator too

member of
The HTML Writers Guild banners
WebList.Ru banners

Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange Free Home Pages at GeoCities

And you are the

visitor of my page ..... congratulations
Please! Write me who you are. Many Thanks!
And I'll add your site (if you have) in my list (if you want)

Let's talk!
In this page, I hope, you will find a Collection of different things:

  1. Speaking Russian
  2. (Russia as wel as all the repuplics of former USSR is a multi national country. It is mean that all people is not really russians, but they are russian speaking.)
    1. Map of the Russian federation
    2. TV Program and Weather Report (in Russian)
    3. Russian problems - human rights, refugees, chechen war
  3. To WebMaster

    1. How to register your page (in Russian)
    2. Collection of free pictures
  4. Hikes

    1. My hike to Tjan-Shian Mountains
    2. Want to go hiking/climbing mountings inside former USSR? Write me!
  5. Intelectual games

    1. Brein ring. Questions(in Russian). You can take part!
    2. Situations
  6. Collections of different things

  7. (This part will availiable soon)
    1. Collection of humor
    2. Museum of marasm
Whant to offer something in my collection? You are welcome!

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