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Hi the Yosemite people, the lovers of Nature outdoor life!, so please save this location in your bookmarks and check back often for later revisions.
Here are some links that will take you fly fishing (my favourite outdoor sport), skiing in the italian Alps and playing squash (not an outdoor sport - an excellent fitness activity, though !!!).
You'll maybe learn something more about Italy, my native country, France and Anjou (and its Châteaux de la Loire), where I presently live and work (on
, a plant!), and surf
towards crazy locations as
Cirneco dell'Etna's homepage, my beloved dog...
Anybody interested in joining the Angers' Fly Fishing Club?
Don't wait! Contact me ASAP by e-mail...
Here are some links to other sites on the Web.
Ever heard of the "Cirneco dell'Etna" dog breed?
Professional Squash Association - Men and Women Rankings
Cortina d'Ampezzo: pearl of the Dolomites, paradise for skiers...
Visitez les Châteaux de la Loire... An example?
Villandry Castle.
My work - INRA, Forsythia, Molecular Biology, my PhD thesis...
Even if I love fly fishing and other outdoor activities, I "got
stuck" in Lab work, a PhD thesis and a Post-Doc activity... and I do like it! Here are some
links concerning my scientific activity; more will come, so... stay
INRA (French National Institute for Agronomic Research),
the Angers Fruit and Ornamental Breeding Research Station - Where I work
Forsythia, I love you (Photo: Scott Biggs)
What do INRA
, Forsythia and I share?... - Introduction to my PhD thesis
(for BOTH non- AND specialists...)
An introduction to PCR
One of my plasmid constructs
The Software corner...
For those of you who -like me - are desperately seeking Science/Biology freeware on the Web, here's a short list
of FREE, SMART programs I found browsing here and there... any information to update this list is appreciated!
TreeView Phylogeny/Systematics Program by Rod Page, Univ. of Glasgow, Scotland, UK
HUGE Software Database at Indiana University, USA
MatInspector V2.1
Yahoo's MolBio Directory A jump site for MolBio freaks.
Another HUGE Search Startpoint!
Plasmid Processor 1.02: FREE plasmid drawing program!!!
The private side...
...and more nice pics!
In the Loire Valley last summer (driving Mario's car... I must say it!!!)
Duke, my dog
Winter 1996: Filippo and I on Misurina iced lake (near Cortina d'Ampezzo)
Filippo et Fabienne, quel couple...
Mario et Fabienne at Trocadéro (Paris)...
OK Simona: you deserved it...
Mathieu "da killa" Ingouff and the cult of Baccus...
My sister and I, aged 2 and 3 respectively (I am the blond one!)
Coming up: some pics from my last holidays in Ireland!
Get some pictures of last year's Lorient's Interceltic Festival.
Featuring: my friends and I, and great Celtic pipebands!
My music favourites...
Special credits
The author wishes to thank:
Mario Renda
( for photographic material
Paola Cerioli ( for HTML/informatic assistance
in the development of this HomePage...

If you have enjoyed this page, want to get in touch with me
(maybe to meet and go fly-fishing),
deliver an e-mail message to the address below.
English, Français or Italiano spoken...
Please state "to Carlo Rosati" in the subject.
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