Hi. My name's Colin Cline and I'll be "living" in this space for a while. Since this page is new, I'm going to use this space to tell you a little
introductory biographical information.
I'm a 32 year old attorney living in Princeton, West Virginia. Princeton is on the northwest edge of the Blue Ridge Mountains, close to the Virginia
border. I've been living here for about seven months. I've also lived in Huntington, West Virginia, Cincinnati, Ohio, Athens, Ohio and Vandergrift,
PA. You can also add brief but unpleasant stays in Fort Dix, New Jersey and Fort Gordon, Georgia.
West Virginia is a great place to live if you like to be outside. I live close to the New River Gorge National River, which offers great rafting, kayaking,
climbing, mountain biking and hiking. There is a great link below if you would like to take a virtual vacation in the Gorge. Check it out. I also hope to
provide links to other West Virginia related sites, and some other sites that are just fun to visit.
Right now I'm using Geocities' basic editor, because I have no knowledge of HTML or any other computer language for that matter. In the future I hope to add
photos, sounds and other things so this website will actually be interesting. Hope you come back.
Links to other sites on the Web
Photos and info about the New River Gorge - the best kept secret of adventure travel
Come backpacking with me in the Dolly Sods Wilderness Area!
Sierra Club...I just joined, why don't you?
RealAudio - excellent free software. MUST HAVE to hear my voice
Westminster Abbey - London
This Week's Mystery Site! Can you believe my mom would order lasagna in a place like this?
Thanks for coming...I hope to see you again. I'm experimenting with an audio
introduction here, so let's pray this works. To hear this, you will need RealAudio.
You can download the software from the link above. Check it out!
I just can't get the html for that image right, by cracky's!
Trust me though, the audio player works, IF you have RealAudio.
© 1996 ccline@inetone.net