Last updated: June 10, 1997 What's new?
You are vistor number: since 11/28/96.
We currently hold our Pack Meetings on the third (usually) Monday of the month at the Pomfret School. We consist of five dens now, including our new Tiger Den.
June 1997
July 1997
Pack 220 will be attending summer camp at Camp Carpenter in Manchester, NH this summer. This is a great opportunity for all scouts. If you have not signed your son up for camp yet, please see Jim - it may not be too late!
As we close this year and look ahead to next, please keep in mind that Pack 220 is looking for leaders for next year. We need den leaders in Pomfret and Woodstock, as well as Committee Members and Pack leaders. If interested in helping out, please call Jim Kenison at 1-800-994-6044.
Wanted: Boys in Grades 1-5
Pack 220 would like to invite any boys that will be in grades 1 through 6 starting in Fall 1997 to join us!
We are looking for families in Woodstock and Pomfret with sons interested in participating in fun activities like
sports, camping, hiking, woodworking, and learning about a wide variety of things. Most dens meet once a week, starting
again in the fall, and the Pack meets as a whole one night a month. Other than the weekly den activities, there are
several pack activities, such as the Pinewood Derby and the Blue and Gold Banquet, and also several District Activities, such
as the Bowl-a-thon, Cub-Olympics, and Camporees to participate in.
If you would like to learn more about Cub Scouting in Woodstock and Pomfret, please call Jim Kenison at 1-800-994-6044.
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