Arctic Sunset
On the rocky coast at the edge of the ice cap in northwest Greenland sits Thule Air Base. I was stationed there as the base Telecommunicaitons Officer from July 1967 to June 1968.
Click here for some surprising pictures and stories from that part of the mysterious, wild and beautiful Arctic region near the North Pole.
Larry Rodrigues at Thule, Greenland,

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Copyright © 1996 by Larry Rodrigues. The text and images of Greenland included herein are for personal use only. NO reproduction of Greenland or Thule AB is permitted for commercial use. Photos may be used within archives if credit is included for Larry's Greenland Picture Book. Contact me for better resolution pictures of Greenland, Thule AB, and arctic scenery. No charge will be made if used for humanitarian and/or educational purposes.

Larry's Greenland Picture Book is for entertainment only.

I was assigned to 1983rd Communications Squadron (AFCS) from July 1967 to June 1968. The stories of my Thule AB and Greenland experiences described are from my memory and letters. Pictures of Thule AB, Greenland landscape, Inuits, and ice cap are from my Greenland scrap book. All arctic weather statistics are from memory or are documented in official Air Force manuals, or newspapers and magazines reporting on actual Greenland events. Contact with Inuits and Greenlanders was done through Thule AB or Danish offices and were in accordance with Greenland rules. Fees paid for dogsled trips was in accordance with Greenland and Danish rules.

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