I've created this page as a means for my family and friends to see pics of me and my kids. It's much easier emailing them a URL than to actually send them snail mail!!! I'm pretty bad at writing and keeping in touch... Thank goodness for the internet, it has certainly made my life easier in so many ways!!
I'm rather 'guarded' when it comes to posting personal info on the net, therefore, I won't give my name, a/s/l... (age/sex/location, for those of you not familiar with the internet terminology!!), or even a profile on me, e.g. what I like to do, my hobbies, interests, whatever... You will, however, be able to see what my kids and I look like... after all, that's why you're here anyway, right?? On that note... Before you continue, take a peek at me to see if you're at the right place. If you don't recognize this mug then you may want to just leave... I mean, what would be the point in continuing if you don't even know me??
I also have my favorite sports teams linked at the bottom of my page... It won't take a rocket scientist to tell where I'm originally from... Oohhh.. I'm sooooo sassy!
This is"Calvin" and this is "Hobbes"
.... Aren't they just too cute?
Pikachu is one of my kids' favorite characters... He's pretty cute too, wouldn't you say?? Click on his name and check out his website... Maybe you can explain to me why the kids are all going nuts over him!!
This first one is a pic of me and my kids celebrating Christmas in Denver..."The Family" It was taken a couple of years ago. Here's a pic of us celebrating Kumiko's 6th birthday... (26 May 1999)"Birthday Pic"... and no, my son is NOT getting ready to puke!!! He's just being a typical boy... messing around for the camera... I realize he can't help it, it's that "y" chromosome... what's up with that?? Gotta love him anyway... It's amazing how time flies by so fast... that picture is already over a year old!! My 'baby' is now 7 years old, which means Mom's another year older too!! aarrgghhhh ~~~~
Here are some shots of me and the kids (taken on 15 August 1999). "KEIKO", "TAKASHI", "KUMIKO", and "MOMMY". And the latest family picture was taken 12 September 1999, while we were attending my Aunt and Uncle's 50th Wedding Anniversary... what a milestone, huh??"The Anniversary"... Keep checking back periodically, I'm hoping to add more family pics... I'll try to keep the pics as current as possible...
FYI.... The kids and I went to Denver this past summer. My parents celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary, so here is a recent picture of me and the kids at grandma & papa's house. I also got to meet my very first grand nephew on this trip. He's just too cute, so you know I gotta show him off... This is a pic of me and Kazuo.
Until then, here are the kids' recent school pics... AY 1999-2000:
KEIKO - 5th Grade;
TAKASHI - 3rd Grade;
KUMIKO - 1st Grade;
For old pics, so you can see how the kids have grown, click here! I hope to even add some of their baby pics here... Who knows though... that does require WORK and is oooh so time consuming... (like I have any free time). I'll work on it though.... just not making any promises!!
FYI, Keiko is 11 yrs old; Takashi is 9 yrs old; and, as mentioned above, Kumiko is 7 yrs old. We don't talk about Mom's age!!!! There you go... me and my children.... who, by the way, are my life!!!
Okay, enough idle rambling... I'll end for now and get to the fun stuff... my favorite sports teams!!
See Ya!!!
FOOTBALL: And the NFL at a glance.
HOCKEY: The NHL ...*BYLM*...
COLLEGE FOOTBALL: And last, but not least THE BIG 12
I used to put updates on my teams here, but I quit doing that cause I couldn't seem to make it back regularly enough to keep up. So, if you're interested in how any of my favorite teams are doing, you can just click on their logo!!
Now be a dear and send your favorite someone some Flowers
...since 28 October 1996