The FlyFishing Page
This site is a resource for flyfishing trout streams in minnesota. There are two distinct parts of the state that have a trout population living in their rivers. They are the south east part of the state(Houston, Fillmore, Mower, and Wabasha Counties)which are mainly tributaries of the Mississippi river, and the tributaries of Lake Superior. Although I have fished both, I prefer the southeastern trout streams.
Southeastern Streams
The Root river is arguably the best trout river to fish in Minnesota. Although this year the river has been cloudy, muddy and very high most of the season, it has recently cleared up and been very good to fish. Most of the Trout are brown, but in the north branch rainbow's are quite common. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources stocks this river more than any other stream and consequently, more small fish are caught, yet there have been reports of 18 to 20 inch fish being caught early in the season.
This is a picture of me fishing the Root river
North Shore Streams
There are many rivers on the north shore that have trout living in them, however many are difficult to fish due to private land ownership and restrictions on the streams between Lake Superior and the stream(mouths of the streams). Many people fish Lake Superior in the spring for Steelhead and in the fall for Salmon, but few people fish upstreams for the smaller Rainbow and Brook trout that live there. Most of the fish that I have caught there have been very small(6-8 inches) and all have been Rainbow trout. The Knife river has probabally the most accessable fishing close to the lake, but the water is very fast and deep which makes it difficult to wade in. If you travel further up the North shore, the Goosebury river is a beautiful spot to fish.
This is a picture of a North shore stream
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Rocking Trout
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This page was last edited 9/21/99