This site is dedicated to my family and friends
After years of envying my net.friends' pages, I finally put this together. So.......

As of June 6, 2005, I became officially single again. NEW CHAPTER!
Chomfy, 4/1/98 - 1/1/06 The best dog that ever lived.
I now have the best girl dog that ever lived and she's not even two years old! Jenny is my life saver!
A bit more about me.......
In honor of my new-found freedom, I've taken up motorcycle riding! Here is a compilation of bike rides.
Go here to learn about my family.
I've met so many really cool people on the internet and even some irl !
Ain't the net grand! :)
I also have friends that I didn't meet on the net first! (imagine that) QUICK link to The South Texas YaYas!!
Barb's 10 Year Cancer Free Party on April 10, 1999.
Dena's Crazy Hat & Funky Shoe Party on July 16, 1999.
Wedding Party for Jan in Houston, July 21, 2001.
Mini YaYa Reunion on South Padre Island, June 2002.
I pondered about this one for a while before I actually put it on here (but what the heck). Me in a bikini!!!
Links to other sites on the Web

Come back soon to see my NEW LIFE! :)

Please sign my Guestbook!
© 2000 gdidena@excite.com