Hello everybody, welcome to my homepage. I hope you will enjoy my homepage as i did. I dont have any knowledge or back ground on computer software or programming, but i like to create my own homepage. I would appreciate it a lot if you can give me a hand on how to make my homepage more colourful or interesting site to visit. At this moment i am looking for someone that can teach me about java. If you like to help me please do contact me.
I am a former Polytechnic Ungku Omar student (July 1987 intake)and Polytechnic Shah Alam Part Time Student intake Dec 2002 untill Dec 2004. If one of you are also a former Polytechnic student do contact me through my E-mail cause i would like to gather all of former polytechnic student through this world wide web.Graduated from Polytechnic Shah Alam Dec 2004
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