Akhalteke's Homepage Yosemite ,3974

Welcome to my virtual desert home ! (in Switzerland)
No, Switzerland does not have any deserts - just lush green meadows, forests and mountains -
having had a look at Arizona's desert , its plants, wildlife and smells, I sometimes wish there was
something alike around here.

My hobbies include a variety of things - first of all I'm addicted to horses - I love to tend, ride and care for them, or just be around horses.
Instead of an Akhal Teke , I found a wonderful Purebred Arabian Stallion AP Comet in Italy whom I then imported to Switzerland. More Images : 1 2 3 4.

Besides horses, I also like to travel - I've done quite a lot of travel in the US and hop over the big
pond every now and then. Sometimes just to relax, sometimes to stuff some of Arizona's summer
heat to 'survive' the next winter here.

Computers - that's what I earn my money with - supporting customers that have problems with
their Unix Systems .. working with computers also is one of the things I like to do during my

A larger picture of me ..

Contact me at akhalteke@geocities.com (Pascal Pederiva)

Thanks! to GeoCities for providing space for this page !