Welcome to my Scouting and Soccer Pages! Visit the links listed below for Pack and Troop 916, two fine White Oak, PA institutions. Cub Scouting and Boy Scouting are probably the BEST organizations that a boy can join. Through activities and outings, the boys learn responsibility, respect for themselves and other people, and a good sense of community and volunteering their time to help other people.
Also listed are several links to pages that are great resources for Scout Leaders.
The East Allegheny Athletic Association which encompasses North Versailles and East McKeesport, PA (and draws many players from the surrounding area; White Oak , McKeesport and Dravosburg) runs a very fine fall and winter (indoor) soccer program for children 5 through 12 years of age. The fall outdoor season is well underway with over 300 kids in the KinderKickers (U-6), U-8, U-10, and U-12 age brackets. Visit the page for MY favorite team, the FLAMES U-11 traveling team.
Visit the McKeesport High School Tiger Marching Band
Visit my Home town, White Oak, PA !
Cub Scout Pack 916 - White Oak, PA
Boy Scout Troop 916 - White Oak, PA
The Virtual Campsite
MAC Scouter
US Scouts
East Allegheny FLAMES - One of the finest U-10 soccer teams anywhere! (1996-1997 season)
East Allegheny FLAMES- Tournaments Page
East Allegheny FLAMES - EA Flames U-11 season (1997-1998)
Pittsburgh Steelers - The BEST team in the NFL
Pittsburgh Pirates - BEAT 'EM BUCS!
Pittsburgh Penguins - LET'S GO PENS!
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Busy Beaver Building Centers
ORKIN - Lots of interesting Bug Facts and other Info!
Email questions or comments to Bruce Nelson, Cubmaster.
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