This Home Page is dedicated to the memory of two exceptional Troop 26 scouts, Eagle Scout David E. McKee and Life Scout Daniel L. Beer.
Welcome to the Boy Scout Troop 26 Homepage!
We are a Scout Troop that has been in continous existence since June 30, 1961.
We are a very proud International Troop located in Heidelberg, Germany. We are fortunate to be able
to meet at the David E. McKee Memorial Scout Center located on the Patrick Henry
Village Military Housing Area. Troop 26 extends an open invitation to visit us
should you be visiting this area at any time. We meet every Tuesday, from 1900 hrs
to 2030hrs (7:00 p.m. - 8:30p.m. for you non military types.)
We are a leading troop in the Transatlantic Council active in many local
and international activities. As in all military troops, Permanent Change
of Stations occur approximately every 3 years. This contributes to a constant
flux in our programs but in return, mandates we constantly practice our
Scout Skills. Troop 26 has sent many of its finest to towns all over the
United States and other parts of the world. In return, we have received
many fine scouts from all parts of the globe.
Troop 26 has the pleasure of meeting every
Tuesday night from 7:00 - 8:30 at the David E. McKee Memorial Scout Center.
The Heidelberg Military Community has graciously dedicated the use of
two buildings on the Patrick Henry Village Housing Area for the exclusive
use of scouting and vigorously supports Scouting by providing
facilities, camping areas, funding, publicity and their volunteer hours.
We publicly thank the United States Army, Europe, 26th Area Support Group,
411th Base Support Battalion, Patrick Henry Elementary and Middle Schools and all the
other Department of Defense, Department of the Army, Department of the
Air Force, Dependent School System, Armed Forces Radio and Television Service
(AFRTS), Army and Air Force Exchange Service, American Legion Post #3 and the host of unnamed supporters
that make Scouting in Europe a quality experience. Special thanks to the Patrick Henry Youth Services who furnish us many opportunities for community service and provide the highest level of support to our many needs.
As are all troops, we are especially proud of the boys who have
attained the highest rank in Scouting, that of Eagle Rank!
As with most troops located on military bases overseas, our scouts
move on to new assignments approximately every 3 years. Scoutmasters
come and go and our records are not the best. However, we are making
every attempt to locate our past Eagle Scouts. Scan our list of
Eagle Scouts and if you
know the location of one of ours on the list or one whose name should be on the list
then drop us a line.
There seems to have been a rush toward Eagle this spring. Craig Welch passed the board in March. He was followed shortly thereafter by Cameron Bowe and Philip Vaughn in April. Congratulations to who became Troop 26's latest 01-04-01 This is number one for 2001.
August 2000
Congratulations to Rob Syzmanski who is the new Vice Chief for Administration in Black Eagle Lodge
Sign My Guestbook
Ya'll Come Back Ya Hear
1999-2000 Calendar
Unless otherwise stated on the calendar, all Troop 26 meetings
are Tuesday nights, 1900 hrs at the David McKee Memorial Scout Center
Order of the Arrow
Troop 26 is an active Troop in the Order of the Arrow,
Black Eagle Lodge #482,
The following members have attained these honors:VIGIL:
View My Guestbook
Links to other sites on the Web
Visit Troop 26's Newest site
Overseas Arrowmen Association
History of Heidelberg
Patch Trading With Matt Kirkland
Visit Kandersteg International Scout Centre
Visit Troop 21 in Munich (Munchen), Germany
Visit Troop 40 in Bamberg, Germany
Visit Troop 231 in Oslo, Norway
Visit our Lone Scout Friends in Alexandria, Egypt
Visit The Scouts in Rota, Spain
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