AddiCteD 2 SnOw

Hey... Welcome to AddiCteD 2 SnOw. This page was made by me< Erin O'Reilly> and maintained by me. It basically covers things that interest me and so on. So have fun Kids. If you have any comments or ideas... TELL ME

About Myself...

I am 16 Years old and have been snowboarding for 3 years now.Snowboarding is what I live for, and what I would die for.I ride at a place on the west coast of Newfoundland, which is the most easternly province in canada, we're also an island. The resort is excellant, we have a brand new lodge and lots of steep fast runs. It's so much fun... There is backcountry, that's untracked and with lots of freshie, we have a little park but it needs work... I have riddened in a few other places and I honestly say that Marble Mountain is still one of the nicest, you don't have to wait for 5 years to get up a lift, and there's not much traffic on the runs. In the summer I skateboard, I have been skating for 2 years and it's fun but it just doesn't even compete with snowboarding... Not even close. Other than that, I just hang out with my friends, and spend time on my computer, like on irc... Speaking of IRC I have to mention the peeps; _yakuza_,Maples, punkgrl, manderz, n7, PoolGuy, Fat-Mike, winex, lista, milo, tajai, spike, knots, katskate, huphtur, jammy, HerCuleZ, HK, gitdown, blair, aLLeyOOp, Ziptie, GeekBoy, Xenocide, Achnar, earwax^, if I'm forgeting anyone... then ... 2 bad!!!! JK...
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