Equestrian Club "Ranch W"

Konjeniški klub "Ranch W"
Bonini 62, 6000 Koper
Tel./Fax.: 00386 66 265 039
Where we are?
While going to Portorose you have to turn to Pula before
entering in Koper and after 500 metres turn left to Marezige.
When you come in the village Vanganel take the road to Sv. Anton
and then you'll se horses playing on the field on your right.
we are?
The equestrian club "Ranch W" was founded in
1995. The primary interest of the club is to bring forward
country riding in touristic and sport area. To give popularity to
trekkings, the club organized several of them, from the three day
winter climb on Slavnik to the eight day summer ride near the
Coast, over the Carst and the Brkini hills. Members of the club
was took part to the "Snow Mountain Cavalry" in august
'96 for the hard climb to the top of the mountain. The
competition that intersts the club is the long distance riding,
the endurance, but not only to compete for the "Ranch
W" organized a succesful race in the '96 season for the
Slovenian cup. Actually in the stable of the "Ranch W"
are 6 horses of different breeds and 4 foals; the pride of the
club is the black lipizzaner stallion Siglavy Gaeta. IV

version - v slovenscini

version - versione italiana
coutry riding
The Club is orientaited mainly to country
riding. Begginers must normally have a riding
course on the nearby fields, but very soon they
are iniciated to the beauties and problems of the
country riding. The surrounding offers different
types of terrain so even in short rides you
encounter slopes and descends, crossing streams
and rivers, you ride through woods and spiny
bushes and the plain Vanganel valley with it's
soft ground is ideal for safe gallops.
In the Trekking Section od the "Ranch
W" operate extreme riders, who can't be
satisfied with usual country riding and want
every day more. Interesents are prepaired with
all-day rides in every weather and then can join
few days trips. Expert trekkers of the
"Ranch W" rode many long trips and
found several routes ideal for touristic
trekkings. Even the freezing cold couldn't stop
them in February 1994 for the winter climb of the
Slavnik nor the rainy spring for a four day
trekking ridden completely in the rain. The most
impressive remains the eight day solitary
trekking of the Lone Rider in July 1996 and in
August the Section was guest of the Cavalry of
Ilirska Bistrica for the climb of the Snow
Mountain. For September 14th and 15th the Section
organized a mass march on the Slavnik where we
will be joined by the Cavalry of Ilirska
in Istria. Photo: D. Kleva
Although the endurance is a new sport in
Slovenia it has every day more enthusiasts. In
1996 the "Ranch W" organized it's first
endurance "The Wine Feast Endurance
'96". For the club competes the young Lara
Krmac with the black lipizzaner stallion Siglavy
Gaeta IV.
Equestrian LINKS:
Mr Horse Home Page
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equestrian links!
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Organizations in the World
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Equestrian World
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Riding Stories
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in slovene language!
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Equestrian Club "Ranch W"
Bonini 62, 6000 Koper-Slovenia

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