Williams World of Werrets

This site is no longer being updated. Please see my current site: www.wmconnolley.org.uk.

This site is slowly being sorted out... please bear with me (us). Family folk should look in the family directory. Others can look there too, but 1000 photos of our newborn are unlikely to interest strangers...



This page is supposed to be about climbing/mountaineering. Well, here is a small piece about the Brenta Dolomites in 1996 and I now have a page about a climbing trip to Pembroke in May 1999 with the Bedford climbing club.

Photo gallery

Its traditional to waste bandwidth displaying photos, so here goes:
  1. Miriam, my partner in ferreting
  2. The Barre des Ecrins, to whose top (4105m) I have lead (my highest "peak"; I've been higher on Mont Blanc, but only to the top of the Brenva Spur)
  3. Me, ice climbing a Scottish III above the Shelter Stone
  4. The Shelter Stone and Howard, Deb and Steve (+ a stranger) on a trip to the Cairngorms.

You can see my work persona at ICD/BAS.

You can't see Miriams work persona, but you can see her company: Virata.

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