camp_dudley's Home Page

Welcome to

the Witherbee Porch

From the Webmaster

OK Dudley campers, young and old, send me those addresses. We'll try to get them on the page as soon as possible. If you have not been up to Dudley in the last year or so, you should really make the trip to see the NEW Witherbee Hall - with it's EXPANDED Witherbee Porch. It's a work of art! I actually have pictures and will eventually get them up on this page. But I really recommend the real thing.E-mail:

Witherbee - it's a magical place. It can take us to the ancient Nile, or Oberlin, Ohio, or the Palace of Alec the Great. It can thrill us, or chill us, but it always stays with us. We remember the Hymn Sings, the Big Shows, the Wednesday and Saturday nights or just the sound of Rhythm Ramblers or a quiet piano drifting across the campus. Like the rest of Dudley, it is in a time all its own. Like nowhere else in the world, all is as it used to be, still living in the hearts ... and minds ... of those who have been a part of it. For three quarters of a century, campers have gathered on the porch of Witherbee to talk, to plan activities or just to have a place where they can find each other. This HomePage is dedicated to that tradition. The porch is the meeting place for all of us from all Dudley eras. Just like camp... "All interested parties, meet on the Witherbee Porch right after these announcements." Click the icon beside "E-Mail List" and you can find the e-mail addresses of Dudley campers and alums who have requested a listing here. What we offer is a Dudley E-mail List and a place for a few brief Dudley announcements as time and space permit.

If you want the total Dudley picture, please check out the new supercollosal Official Camp Dudley Webpage. You can get there easily from the Witherbee Porch. Just locate the first Camp Dudley icon below.
Please send us your NAME, CAMP NUMBER, and E-MAIL ADDRESS so we can get you in the directory. Again, you can reach us by E-mail at:

From yesteryear.........

Here is a view of the Witherbee Balcony as it looked in 1962. Music Director Pete Edward's office was the corner to the left of the projection booth.

The waterfront is as timeless as Witherbee. Here is a familiar view of the Avery Boathouse . However, this picture was shot in 1926! It's not part of Witherbee, but it is part of the Dudley Magic.

Great! So how do we get around this joint?

If you are new to websurfing, the underlined words in different color are hot spots. If you click on them with the mouse, they'll take you to the spot they advertise. For instance, you can get to the Dudley E-mail List by either clicking "List" in the text, or doing the same with the "Dudley E-mail List" below beside the second Dudley logo.

And, please...before you start wandering around the campus, Make sure we have your E-mail address.

So, we've blown the whistle and made the announcement that all interested parties can meet on the Porch of Witherbee. What happens next depends on who shows up.

See you on the porch!
Rick Draper #9908

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