[IMG: IMC header]

Welcome to the Ipswich MC's web presence.

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Site last updated: 12May97

This site is still being constructed, so check back every so often to find out what's changed...
Although, as the climbing season is well under way here now (may 97), the changes might be a bit less frequent!

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The Ipswich Mountaineering Club is a group of outdoors-minded people, mostly based in and around Ipswich, Suffolk, UK. For those of you who don't know the UK, this is a disappointing long way from the nearest hills!. However we don't let this get us down - there are over 100 people in the club, most of whom are active in one or more of the following:

Climbing - indoors, outdoors, rock, ice ...
Winter Mountaineering
Hill Walking
Mountain Biking
The list goes on.

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Available now...

About the header
Articles and information from the club newsletter

Still to come...

How to join.
Cartoons by our artists-in-residence.
Photos of club members in action!

Links to the outside world...

E-Climb THE UK climbing page.
uk.rec.climbing newsgroup.
Cotswold Camping on-line.

These pages maintained by Steve Jones on behalf of Ipswich Mountaineering Club.
All content (c) 1996,1997 Ipswich Mountaineering Club, unless otherwise stated.

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