Carl as a young boy.

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Home of the Whopper
Forever in a State of Bliss
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(Last updated July 1998)

This is my wife and myself on a dress down day (I think we were landscaping or something)
Hi! Welcome to our little corner of the internet. My name is Carl. I work for The Northwestern College Radio Network in the program distributions department.
I live with my beautiful wife, Katie, in suburban MN. Katie has just completed her B.S. in Elementary Education. This Summer Katie will be teaching Summer School in Saint Paul
Attention all Flag buffs or residents of the St. Croix Valley. Go to the only site on the web to feature the, recently adopted, Flag of Bayport
Links to other sites on the Web
The Skylight Satellite Network
Northwestern College (They are trying to educate me here)
CCM Magazine
Reverend Fun (A Great Cartoon)
Unisys (my father made me do it.[They helped Dad pay for my first 2 years of College])
Student Radio 107.5 FM
Laura Bliss's homepage (my sister)
Northwestern College Broadcasting Alumni Page
Y'all come back now, ya hear.
If you have any comments or suggestions, or if there is a link that you think may be appropriate, E-Mail me.
© 1996
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You Don't Give Up...Do You
There is really nothing Down here
You have way too much time on your hands
Well as long as you made it all the way to my basement, I guess that you can take the elevator Up
ABADA ABADA ABADA That's all folks