Pictures of Patrick Shelton
Taken in January of 1998
Hello, my name is  Paul Shelton
I am going to do my best to have some fresh\ and updated pages of News and Pictures of
Goings ons, happenings and events at Millbrook Presbyterian Church
Don't forget the Community Thanksgiving Service at the Millbrook Church of God on Hwy 14. 
If you have any news, pictures or announcements you would like to have posted on this web page just click here and send them to me
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Guys, don't forget Promise Keepers meetings on Thursday nights at 7 Pm.  Do try to make it and if you need a ride, just call someone and we're get you there!!!

Paul Shelton....285.4378
Rex Snider   ...285.3318
Special word from Reverend Al Bennett
Go visit Mumnut.Com for more stuff!!!