In North-East Alaska there is a 19 million acre
wildlife refuge called the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), which
is home to Caribou, Musk Oxen, Brown Bears, Polar Bears, Wolves, and
many other incredible species of animals. This place is truly magical.
It is amazing to see a heard of 10,000 caribou walking on the tundra under
the midnight sun, and to see wolves and bears in their natural settings.
However this beautiful wilderness area is being
threatened by the oil industry. Four oil companies (British Petroleum,
Arco, Exxon, and Chevron) wish to dig up large parts of the ANWR coastal
plain to drill oil. By doing this, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
would be destroyed, and thus killing the land which the animals call home.
Many of these animals have no other place to go to. This is one of
the last purely wilderness areas in all of North America, and these oil
companies wish to build numerous human structures in ANWR, which will undoubtedly
KILL the land.
Don't let oil companies MURDER the Arctic Wilderness!!
It's very simple to help prevent oil drilling in the Actic National Wildlife Refuge. All you have to do it write a letter to your representatives to the Congress and Senate, and to the President of the United States and tell them to not let oil companies destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge! Here is a copy of the bill that is currently in the House of Representatives H.R.2250. Also you can write letters to the four oil companies who wish to drill in ANWR and tell them to stop pushing to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Here are their addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses:
Mr. Ken Derr, C.E.O
575 Market St.
San Francisco, CA 94105-2856
British Petroleum
Sir John Browne
The British Petroleum Company p.l.c.
Britannic House 1, Finsbury Circus
London EC2M 7BA
1-800 U-TELL-BP
Mr. Mark R. Bowlin, C.E.O.
515 South Flower St.
Los Angeles, CA 90071-2256
Mr. Lee Raymond,
Chairman of the Board
5959 Las Colinas Blvd.
Irving, TX 75039