Julie's Home Page

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Copyright Note - Although a lot of these pics are my own, some are not....please ask and if you want to use a picture and I will contact the people concerned......Thanks!

See the Avon Live!!!

Nanga Challenge!! 13/9/98

Alcoa Coach in Residence Program 6/9/98

Avon Descent Pics 1-2/8/98

Bells Rapid Race Pics 23/8/98

Walyunga to Bells Pics 21/6/98

The Leading boats in the Upper Swan doubles race. Sunday 28/06/98
On the Ski, Dave and Ashley, in the kayak, Ramon and Keron

OK, so the nickname "RiverGoddess" started out as a bit of a joke between friends,
as I probably paddle the least of all.....but it is fun and has stuck for over a year on the net....
so look for RiverGoddess, RiverG, or just plain River....

So for all you out there if you didn't know already, I am in the UK now, alive and well and having a great time, and hopefully will have some pictures up and going very soon.... OK, so i am bad, not much time, but I will do something really good really soon.......

Great whitewater canoeing shots..see links!!!!
Building my new downriver kayak! picures below!!!!
The AVON DESCENT the longest whitewater canoe race in the world!!!!! Link below!!
Links to my family, canoeing in Australia and general fun things I like!!!
Jack the horror dog!!!!.....check him out! Click here!!

In case you are wondering what I do.....heres a hint!

                                                  Canoeing shots and Links
                                                      And here are some of the ladies!
                                                      Building My New Boat! 
                                                      Australian Canoeing and links
                                                      World Canoe Links
                                                      Canberra Canoe Club
                                                      Three VERY insane paddlers
                                                      Download he best paddling moves!! Ted Shred Screensaver!!!
                                                      Marnie's Kiwi Page 

                                                  Avon Descent and West Aussie Links 
                                                      The Official Avon Descent Home Page
                                                      Canoe Polo and Club links!
                                                      My Kayak club!! 
                                                      Canoeing in Western Australia 

                                                  Want to see Western Australia And Australiana?
                                                      About Western Australia
                                                      Lonely Planet 
                                                      Perth City Cam 
                                                      Jane Brook Vineyards 
                                                      Aussie Sayings 
                                                      Aussie Slang 
                                                      More West Aussie Info! 
                                                      Whiteman Park! 

                                                  Cool Sites!
                                                      Listen to Local Perth Radio!!
                                                      The best kids site I have ever seen!!
                                                      A totally amazing site!!

                                                  Links to my family on the Web
                                                      My mum Beryl's home page
                                                      My brother Simon's baseball team - Perth Heat
                                                      My sister works here!

                                                  Some Places I like to visit! 
                                                      The Virtual Irish Pub - Great chat spot!
                                                      The Globe - Another great chat!!

                                                  And More! 
                                                      The most addictive game site!!
                                                      Some of the Best games....try Lenny for some aussie fun!
                                                      Where you will find riverg chatting and playing!!
                                                      And if you click here you find great games and I win too!!!!!

People keep telling me there is nothing about ME on here,
well, it will come, but there are sooooo many fun things out there, who has time!!!!
But if you are desperate Click here!!

If you know of other great links or ideas for me mail me!!!!

© 1996 julieh@geocities.com

or POWWOW me!

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you are swimmer number on this rapid since June 21, 1998!

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