web site is dedicated to all San Juan 23 sailboats that love to be
pampered for I fervently believe that a boat responds well to good
treatment. Treat her well and talk kindly to her while onboard, for she is listening! |
-TRAILER (towing
& storage) |
The Tech Tips are tweaked
constantly. They were last reviewed on 2009-04-25. |
KNOWLEDGE - I don't know everything about the SJ23, yet! Some of what I know is documented in these Tech Tips! The missing bits and pieces come from other owners to whom I am very grateful. This information is provided in the true spirit of the Internet, "a free exchange of information for the benefit of all." However, unless otherwise indicated, images are the property of Bob Schimmel. DISPLAY SETTING - The Tech Tips are formatted for a display setting of 1024x768 using Firefox or the Y2K versions of Windows Explorer or Netscape. SITE UNAVAILABLE - Occasionally this site will be unavailable for viewing due to too much traffic. A free site has bandwidth download limitations and "unfortunately" this is a popular site! The availability is automatically reset by the server after an hour. You can minimize this effect by reading the index and opening the correct Tech Tip instead of stabbing at each Tip, hoping to find what you want. SEARCH - This web site is NOT SEARCHABLE. This capability is unavailable with free space on a Geocities server. However, you can use "Ctrl F" entered from your keyboard, to search through an index or a document which ever you have open. PRINT - I've made the Tech Tips printable on (8.5x11)" paper so you don't have to carry your laptop to your boat. LEGALESE
- The modifications shown in these Tech Tips give you an idea of what can be
done to an SJ23. They are directed to those individuals who
possess "opposing thumbs" or know people who are suitably
equipped! You assume all responsibilities for misplaced pencil
marks, cutting too short, picking up the wrong tool or generally not understanding
what you are doing. Over 45K sailors have visited this web site since the first Tech Tip was published in 1999-05-26. |