Welcome To Rosemary's Home Page

Camping in Big Sur

Spring of 2002

Snowshoe'n Bear Valley March 2001
Since I have no goods or services to sell, I will use this page as an experiment in electronic "reaching out" and my spot in the cosmos to express a love of travel and the whole life experience.

"How shall I know,
unless I go To Cairo and Cathay,
Whether or not this blessed spot
Is blest in every way?

Now it may be, the flower for me
Is this beneath my nose;
How shall I tell,
unless I smell The Carthaginian rose?

The fabric of my faithful love
No power shall dim or ravel
Whilst I stay here,--but oh, my dear,

If I should ever travel"!

~Edna St.Vincent Millay~

Hawaii Page
My Postcard Page

My Travel Pages

Friends and Family Pages

Sign My Guestbook please

View My Guestbook

Na Ala Hele - Hawaii Trail System
ScienceDaily Magazine
SouthPark Sounds Page
Yosemite National Park
Solar System Simulator
Tibetan Book of the Dead
The Hunting of the Snark
My Son's Home Page
Funny Page
Words and Music of Leonard Cohen
Dr Weil Alternative Health Resource
Email and Ecards That Help Wildlife
Interlude Thought of the Day ~CyberMonk~
Great Download Spot
Electric Postcards
Satellite View of my Neighborhood
Virtual Presents

Drop me a line, and let me know how it is by you!

Click for Hilo, Hawaii Forecast


Thanks for the help to Dom Murphy!

(that bears repeating, thanks for the continued help Dom.)

"Computers are fun again"

It also helps to run Netscape