Welcome to Lindsay's World

I know I can ride this one...

Are you interested in horses? Victorian clothing? History during the Victorian Era? Education? How about Living History or re-enacting? Why not a combination of all the above?... Please stay awhile.

I have the pleasure of volunteering at Sharlot Hall Museum in Prescott, Arizona as a member of the Living History Staff under the direction of Mick Woodcock.

If you happen to visit Prescott, take some time to visit the Sharlot Hall Museum. If it is a Saturday during the spring, summer or early fall, stop by the School House and say hello to the lady in the long skirt (that's me!).

Here are a few links to a few sites on the Web that I find interesting:

Living History Links:

Sharlot Hall Museum- Living History ; this is the web home of the Linving History Staff
Camp Chase Gazette - a Civil War Reenactors' magazine tending toward the military with some civilian articles.
The Citizens' Companion - another Civil War Reenactors' magazine, but the emphasis is on the civilian impression.
Past Impression's Home Page - this is a good place to begin your research into your civilian impression.

Horse Lovers Links:

HorseWeb -Links to Other Horse Related Web Pages.
Electronic Zoo / NetVet - Horse Page.
Parelli Natural Horse-Man-Ship - An interesting spin on some established training concepts: groundwork, bridless riding and the philosophy of relating to your horse as a partner/leader.

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©1996 Best viewed by Netscape Communicator. Last updated September 10, 1999.