Roland's Home Page
Welcome to my home page. Let me tell you a little about me and
my friends:
I am a California State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser
working in the Southern California area.
Drop me a line if I
can help you.
I have a Smokin' Joe's Replica CBR600F3
and a RD400 Daytona Special (a 2-stroker). Me and Norm were
working on my SJR and this is what it looks like
I don't have a current pic of my RD400, but it looks like
My friend Jay has a
SJR CBR600F3 too! (Sans stickers) Hey, can
you believe it? All 4 of us finally rode together! No new pictures, but
here's a picture of 3 of the best bikes together.
My brother-in-law Norman had a pretty clean
FZR600 until SOMEONE crashed it!
We finally rode the "Crest" to Newcombs Ranch!
Norman finally made a new
Home Page!
WOW! Looks pretty good so far! Check out Norman's mountain bike page at
Mammoth Mountain Biking
My friend Byron has a
RZ500 which is a 2-stroker (awesome
acceleration, like my RD400). "Oh yeah, your bike is nice too!"

Click on the CBR600 below for awesome photos.
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Last updated January 20, 2004.
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