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--With this website I'm hoping to provide information about how fabulous it is to be living in the Great Northwest. Our hobbies and interests include: Skiing, sailing, hiking, flyfishing, bicycling, art, design, music and homebrewing. We had twins in October of 1998, and they are keeping us really busy.
--We have been married for over three years. We were married on the double masted schooner Zodiac in the San Juan islands, with fifty friends and family on board. We could not have had a better day. The above picture is the schooner Zodiac on our wedding day. I'm working on getting some of our other wedding and family pictures scanned, and will post them on their own page as soon as I can. Period schooners like The Zodiac and a similar ship The Adventuress, sail year round in the waters of the Puget Sound and the San Juan Islands.
--There are many wonderful things to do in and around the Seattle area. On this page I will try to present some useful links to our area. I'm also planning to do a homebrewing help page to assist people starting out with that hobby.
Thanks for stopping by.
Big news in Maria and James land. Okay it's kind of old news now but, we are the proud parents of Dylan James Matau and LeRoux Marie Matau. They were born on the 30th of October 1998. In this picture Dylan and LeRoux are three days old, and all dressed up for their trip home from the hospital. A growing collection of photos of the twins. An additional page of photos of the twins
Here are a few of our wedding pictures. I'm still adding to this site when I can.
A collection of pictures of friends and family. This page not set up yet!
My Brother-in-law Peter's Web site Peter's website contains many interesting Peter facts as well as pictures of family and friends. He is also the author of a Cheryl LeRoux website. This site contains her sketches, photos and sleep talk.
In Seattle at the south end of lake Union is The Center for Wooden
They are dedicated to all wooden boats. A first class
The Mountaineers was founded in 1906 and is the best outdoor organization that I know.
If you're on the road in Washington state the WSDOT Home Page is a big help.
My personal Tape & CD-R Trading Page.
THE TRADE a tape trading forum.
Tape Trader Network a tape trading forum.
Bob Dylan - Expecting Rain is a great Dylan page with links to other Bob material.
All the latest news and information about Tom Waits can be found at: Tom Waits Digest.
A Very nice Tom Waits page Tom Waits Miscellania by Gary Tausch. A real Raindog amoung men.
Have you thought about getting started brewing your own beer? Cats Meow 3 is a big help, whether you're a beginning homebrewer or an advanced all grain brewer. It's really simple to do, and easy to get started.
Black Baseball's Negro Baseball Leagues, the most comprensive resource on the web for Negro Baseball Leagues Information. Baseball has a very rich past. These guys were some of Baseballs best.
Major League Baseball MLB@BAT All the teams are here.
Seattle Mariners The home team. The new ballpark Safeco field is open. It's really a joy to have our baseball team moved out of the King Dome and into the fresh air. So long Griffey!
The CIA Homepage for Kids This seems a little strange to me.
The FBI Kids Page Well, the CIA has one!
The NASA Homepage I love this site. I just wish the images didn't take so long to load.
Brought to you by Webmaster James Matau
-Last updated February 19, 2000
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Or you can mail my lovely wife Maria