Welcome to the Blackhorse Troopers homepage!

Serving soldiers who have served the Blackhorse Regiment.

This page has been recognized by the Department of the Army as an authorized unofficial unit site.

This page is just getting mounted up. If you have ideas, other pages, info, or just want to help, please send us an e-mail. We would like to set up a page for personal links to former troopers, so anyone can find you. If you have news of anything of interest to Blackhorse troopers, we'll have a place to post it. Also, if you have any Blackhorse, Cav, or related Army graphics, send 'em to me and we'll get them on the page. Allons!

Write to us at blackhorse@cavalry.com

If any of you are real web warriors, please help me out. I'm new at this, and need all the help I can get!

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© 1996-1999 blackhorse@cavalry.com

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Please give us some information about yourself. All info is optional.

1) What is your name and rank? (Do not hit return)

2) What is your e-mail address?

3) When did you ride with the Blackhorse? From To

4) Which unit were you in?

5) What is your current military status?

Active Duty
National Guard
Other (explain)

6) Please provide your comments below.