
You are visitor number since november 16 1997


1.0 A short introduction

This Internet Site has been made by me, Patrick Wagemakers. I was born in the Netherlands were I still live, and this means that English is not my native language. These pages show you something of my hobbies. I will name some of my hobbies.

1.1 Chemistry

Right now I am no longer a student in Chemistry Since this site is placed in the Neighbourhood Yosemite, I will not talk or write about this hobby here. The only thing I do have to say is the following:
Onze aardbol bestaat voor het grootste deel uit water. Het water bestaat uit de componenten zuurstof en waterstof. De lucht die we in-ademen bestaat voor 80 procent uit stikstof, en de andere 20 procent uit zuurstof. Het belangrijkste element op onze aarde is koolstof. Alle levensvormen zijn daaruit opgebouwd.
Our earthbol mostly consist of water. The water is made with the components aciddust and waterdust. The air we breathe consists of 80 procent of chokedust and twenty percent of aciddust. The most important element on our earth is coaldust. All lifeforms are made of this.

1.2 Writing

Writing is something you could find here. At my scouting career I took the job of writing the "kampkrant". This is some sort of a log we keep during the whole week.

1.3 Internet

The Internet hobby made it possible for me to set up these pages. If you like them, and you want to make pages wich look like these, you could contact me, but, I am just one person who looks at other pages wich I like, and the use the html-tags for my own pages.

1.4 Computers

The computer section will not be very clear here, simply because this is the Yosemite neighbourhood, and I won't talk about computer stuff here. (The only thinh I'll say about that is that my new job has got something to do with computers, mainframes, networking, Internet, and so on. )

2.0 Scouting

Scouting is a hobby which fits here in Yosemite. And you better believe it. Right now there are other pages at Yosemite wich discus something about scouting. You can find some other scouting pages in my
Scouting URL's. This URL will also show you a couple of URL's of dutch scouting pages. But not all of them. I have tried to name all the Homepages with english text. So the international reader can look at these pages. Furthermore I have put in some other adresses. Their purposes or goals are also named.
The rest on this site gives you different information. There is a page about my scouting group. The name of my scouting group is the Robert Kennedy Group. The name was choosen in 1968 after the assasination of Robert Kennedy. This also means that my group will celebrate its 30 year anniversary in july.
These pages are mainly a copy of the original dutch version. The dutch version contains a lot more information and stories. This site will only give you some global information about my scouting group. I cannot give you information about "Scouting Nederland", because this is not an official page of Scouting Netherland. But I will give you the adresses of sites with this information. The official site of Scouting Nederland is
There is also an official scouting site of the Region Limburg. The adress is:

2.1 Myself

Scouting is for me more than just putting info and pages about scouting on the Internet. Because the pages about my group give info about the group itself, I will put some information about my own scouting experience.The biggest event I witnessed was the 18 th World Jamboree 1995 in the Flevo-Polder. I worked at the survivaltrack. If you have been at the WJ95 and you did the track, you could have seen me at the obstacle, The New Amsterdam. This was the Big obstacle where you climbed and walked over net's wich were shaped like the rooftops of the old Amsterdam centre. It was named New Amsterdam (or Amsterdam 2) because there had been only one Amsterdam at the European Jamboree in 1994. They build an extra Amsterdam for the WJ95. If you have been there, but you don't remember the names, it was the Amsterdam on the left.
The rest of my scouting carreer is being a leader for boys in the age of 10 to 14. They are called "Verkenners". or "Scouts". I started as a scout when I was 11 years old. During those years I went to three summercamps. When the time came to move on a stage, I became a Rowan. During that time I went to Luxembourg on a camp, and the next year we went to the river the Semoise with a rubberboat. We started in Belgium, and ended in France. After those two years, we had to stop with the "Jongerentak", as we had named our group. It was a mixture of rowans and pivo's. Instead of being a rowan for four years, I was a rowan for only two years. I became a leader at the age of seventeen. I was lucky to meet a team wich could work very well. Right now I have had five summercamps with this team. And my idea is to go for other summercamps. Right now we are planning our new summercamp. We have some ideas about the theme, and we already know were we will make our camp. A lot of my free time is used for scouting. Developing photo's, making new games, setting out a small hike, making plans for a new camp. A lot of things I do are related with scouting.

2.2 Outdoor

The tower is also related to my scouting group. We are planning a weekend near the tower, and we have build the tower with our scouting knowldge. I do not mean that we used knots to tie up the tower, but we used ropesand knots to secure the tower, lift poles, stabilize the tower, and outline the tower. We build the tower whilewe were a team. The same team we are when we stand in front of our scouts. Well, of course we were not the only people who were building the tower, there were also other people there, but I am proud to say that it wasclear that we were a team.

3.0 Link Me, Link You

Clemens Meerts
Patrick Wagemakers
Dutch scouting groups list
Scouting Around

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