This Internet Site has been made by me, Patrick Wagemakers. I was born in the Netherlands were I still live, and this means that English is not my native language. These pages show you
something of my hobbies. I will name some of my hobbies.
Scouting is a hobby
which fits here in Yosemite. And you better believe it.
Right now there are other pages at Yosemite wich discus
something about scouting. You can find some other scouting pages in my
Scouting URL's. This URL will also
show you a couple of URL's of dutch scouting pages. But not
all of them. I have tried to name all the Homepages with
english text. So the international reader can look at these
pages. Furthermore I have put in some other adresses. Their
purposes or goals are also named. The rest on this site
gives you different information. There is a page about my
scouting group. The name of my scouting group is the Robert Kennedy Group. The name was choosen in 1968 after the
assasination of Robert Kennedy. This also means that my group will celebrate its 30 year anniversary in july.
These pages are mainly a copy of the original dutch
version. The dutch version contains a lot more information
and stories. This site will only give you some global
information about my scouting group. I cannot give you
information about "Scouting Nederland", because this
is not an official page of Scouting Netherland. But
I will give you the adresses of sites with this
information. The official site of Scouting Nederland is
There is also an official scouting site of the Region
Limburg. The adress is: